1、There is a simple way of dismissing such unwanted thoughts which do not involve fighting them at all.───有一种简单的方法可以消除这些不需要的想法,而不需要“与他们斗争”。
2、No one seems to have told him that there is a simple way to avoid the wrath of bond markets: balance your books and don't borrow.───似乎没人告诉过他,要避免债券市场的愤怒有一个简单的办法:平衡你的收支账簿,不要举债。
3、Pete D'Arruda has a simple way of deciding how much of your retirement savings should be at risk.───PeteD’Arruda有一个简单方法来决定你有多少退休储蓄可以拿去冒险。
4、Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.───能在他人缓慢清晰地说话且乐于帮助的情况下进行简单交流。
5、This example shows a simple way to validate a unit.───该范例显示了确认单元的简单方式。
6、It was a simple way out of one difficulty, at least.───这至少可以不费劲地解决一个困难。
7、However, the measurement information is often not supplied in a simple way, in line with the needs of the industry.───然而,测量信息往往不以简单的方式提供,符合业界的需要。
8、This was a simple way of collecting income tax.───这是征收所得税的一种简单方法。
9、From the point of data capture and storage, it provides a simple way for your application to store data.───从数据捕获和存储的角度来看,它为您的应用程序实现数据的存储提供了一种简单方法。
a simple way(英语使用场景)
1、Deflationary gap Gap analysis is a simple way of describing the main policy implications of the Keynesian theory.
2、The Profitboss has a simple way of establishing the contribution link to profit.
3、It provides a simple way to navigate the vast troves of information stored online.
4、A simple way to avoid punishment is to avoid punishers.
5、A simple way of upgrading switching is to fit dimmer switches, which alter the light level.
6、This leads to a simple way of stating the amount of distortion: as the ratio of harmonics to fundamental.
7、There is a simple way of calculating your aerobic walking rate.
8、A simple way to be grateful is to close your eyes for a minute and think of those who never got a chance to open them. RVM
9、Such measures may be presented as a simple way of making the majority feel in control of its destiny.
a simple way(意思翻译)
a simple way(相似词语短语)
1、a simple life───朴实的生活(歌曲名);[电影]桃姐
2、simple beauty───单纯的美
3、simple chic───简单别致
4、simple minded───adj.纯朴的;率直的;头脑简单的
6、simple machines───[机]简单机械
7、a simple man───单纯的人
8、a way───心路(歌曲名)
9、simple jack───简易千斤顶
a simple way(双语使用场景)
1、There is a simple way of dismissing such unwanted thoughts which do not involve fighting them at all.───有一种简单的方法可以消除这些不需要的想法,而不需要“与他们斗争”。
2、No one seems to have told him that there is a simple way to avoid the wrath of bond markets: balance your books and don't borrow.───似乎没人告诉过他,要避免债券市场的愤怒有一个简单的办法:平衡你的收支账簿,不要举债。
3、Pete D'Arruda has a simple way of deciding how much of your retirement savings should be at risk.───PeteD’Arruda有一个简单方法来决定你有多少退休储蓄可以拿去冒险。
4、Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.───能在他人缓慢清晰地说话且乐于帮助的情况下进行简单交流。
5、This example shows a simple way to validate a unit.───该范例显示了确认单元的简单方式。
6、It was a simple way out of one difficulty, at least.───这至少可以不费劲地解决一个困难。
7、However, the measurement information is often not supplied in a simple way, in line with the needs of the industry.───然而,测量信息往往不以简单的方式提供,符合业界的需要。
8、This was a simple way of collecting income tax.───这是征收所得税的一种简单方法。
9、From the point of data capture and storage, it provides a simple way for your application to store data.───从数据捕获和存储的角度来看,它为您的应用程序实现数据的存储提供了一种简单方法。
a simple way(英语使用场景)
1、Deflationary gap Gap analysis is a simple way of describing the main policy implications of the Keynesian theory.
2、The Profitboss has a simple way of establishing the contribution link to profit.
3、It provides a simple way to navigate the vast troves of information stored online.
4、A simple way to avoid punishment is to avoid punishers.
5、A simple way of upgrading switching is to fit dimmer switches, which alter the light level.
6、This leads to a simple way of stating the amount of distortion: as the ratio of harmonics to fundamental.
7、There is a simple way of calculating your aerobic walking rate.
8、A simple way to be grateful is to close your eyes for a minute and think of those who never got a chance to open them. RVM
9、Such measures may be presented as a simple way of making the majority feel in control of its destiny.