1、The flower is often used to make jellies and teas and can also be candied and used as a decorative garnish.───这种花经常被用来制作果冻和沏茶,用糖煮了以后还可以当配菜。
2、Shake with ice and strain over ice into a highball glass. Top with soda and garnish with an orange slice lime wedge and a cherry.───摇后入海波杯,上加苏打,饰橙片莱姆楔片及樱桃。
3、Many also incorporate a banana into the whipped-cream garnish in a way more in keeping with the name of the drink.───许多人也把香蕉置入发泡奶油的方式更符合饮料的名称。
4、Can you help me to garnish a fish with slices of lemon?───你能帮我在鱼上加配柠檬片吗?
5、Shake all ingredients with ice and strain into a rocks glass filled with ice. Garnish with an orange slice and a cherry.───加冰混合入岩石杯饰橙片及樱桃
6、Swing ingredients in a shaker with cracked ice, strain into a chilled cocktail glass, and garnish with a slice of lemon.───将液体注入混合器,加碎冰块摇匀,注入冷却过的鸡尾酒酒杯,用一片柠檬装饰。
7、combine ingredients in a blender with crushed ice . flash blend and pour into a hurricane glass . garnish with a lime wedge.───在搅拌机中加入碎冰,把所有成分倒入其中,搅拌好后倒入飓风杯,用青柠角装饰。
8、You can prepare an omelet using red pepper, mushrooms, red onion, tomatoes, and a little broccoli—garnish with low fat cheese, low fat sour cream, and salsa.───你可以用红椒、蘑菇、红洋葱、西红柿和一点西兰花配以低脂奶酪、低脂酸奶油和莎莎酱来做煎蛋卷。
9、It comes with a garnish of red beetroot, white cottage cheese and blueberries.───它配上红色甜菜头、白软干酪和蓝莓等装饰。
n. (Garnish)(美、英)加尼什(人名)
1、garnish with lemon───用柠檬装饰
2、garnish crossword───装饰纵横字谜
3、garnish wages───附加工资
4、garnish denver───装饰丹佛
5、garnish define───装饰定义
6、garnish meaning───装饰意义
7、garnish definition───装饰定义
8、garnish synonym───修饰同义词
1、The flower is often used to make jellies and teas and can also be candied and used as a decorative garnish.───这种花经常被用来制作果冻和沏茶,用糖煮了以后还可以当配菜。
2、Shake with ice and strain over ice into a highball glass. Top with soda and garnish with an orange slice lime wedge and a cherry.───摇后入海波杯,上加苏打,饰橙片莱姆楔片及樱桃。
3、Many also incorporate a banana into the whipped-cream garnish in a way more in keeping with the name of the drink.───许多人也把香蕉置入发泡奶油的方式更符合饮料的名称。
4、Can you help me to garnish a fish with slices of lemon?───你能帮我在鱼上加配柠檬片吗?
5、Shake all ingredients with ice and strain into a rocks glass filled with ice. Garnish with an orange slice and a cherry.───加冰混合入岩石杯饰橙片及樱桃
6、Swing ingredients in a shaker with cracked ice, strain into a chilled cocktail glass, and garnish with a slice of lemon.───将液体注入混合器,加碎冰块摇匀,注入冷却过的鸡尾酒酒杯,用一片柠檬装饰。
7、combine ingredients in a blender with crushed ice . flash blend and pour into a hurricane glass . garnish with a lime wedge.───在搅拌机中加入碎冰,把所有成分倒入其中,搅拌好后倒入飓风杯,用青柠角装饰。
8、You can prepare an omelet using red pepper, mushrooms, red onion, tomatoes, and a little broccoli—garnish with low fat cheese, low fat sour cream, and salsa.───你可以用红椒、蘑菇、红洋葱、西红柿和一点西兰花配以低脂奶酪、低脂酸奶油和莎莎酱来做煎蛋卷。
9、It comes with a garnish of red beetroot, white cottage cheese and blueberries.───它配上红色甜菜头、白软干酪和蓝莓等装饰。