1、The alignment of the liquid crystals in the array controls the direction in which light is reflected from them.───阵列中液晶的位置控制反射的光线的方向。
2、Photons of light striking an array of capacitors create an electrical charge proportional to their intensity, which the charge-coupler transforms into voltage.───光子撞击电容器阵列,产生与其强度成正比的电荷,而电荷耦合器又将它转换成电压。
3、In a line scan defect inspection system, the illuminator properties, such as brightness, light array linearity, lifetime and spectrum range, are more critical.───在线扫描缺陷检测XiTong中,对光源的亮度、均匀性、直线性、寿命、光谱范围都提出了较高的要求。
light array(意思翻译)
light array(相似词语短语)
1、convolve array───卷积阵
2、array filter───阵列滤波器
4、array crossword───数组纵横字谜
5、crossbar array───纵横阵
6、netlike array───网状阵列
7、appended array───附加数组
8、array technologies───阵列技术
9、array mbira───双数组
light array(双语使用场景)
1、The alignment of the liquid crystals in the array controls the direction in which light is reflected from them.───阵列中液晶的位置控制反射的光线的方向。
2、Photons of light striking an array of capacitors create an electrical charge proportional to their intensity, which the charge-coupler transforms into voltage.───光子撞击电容器阵列,产生与其强度成正比的电荷,而电荷耦合器又将它转换成电压。
3、In a line scan defect inspection system, the illuminator properties, such as brightness, light array linearity, lifetime and spectrum range, are more critical.───在线扫描缺陷检测XiTong中,对光源的亮度、均匀性、直线性、寿命、光谱范围都提出了较高的要求。