1、So far this trial has done a good job of establishing for the record what people heard and saw the night George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin.───为止这一审判已经对于在那个晚上乔治·齐默曼射杀塔拉万·马丁人们的所见所闻出色的建立了出色备案记录。
2、Author: Martin Feldstein, George F. Baker Professor of Economics at Harvard university.───作者:马丁·费尔德斯坦,哈佛大学George F . Baker经济学教授。
3、Famed Beatles producer George Martin said. The audience will feel as though they are actually in the room with the band.───披头士乐队著名的音乐制作人乔治·马丁说:“听众们将会有一种在现场听乐队演唱的感觉。”
martin george(意思翻译)
martin george(相似词语短语)
2、curious george───好奇的乔治(电影名)
3、george gordon───乔治戈登
4、martin scorsese───[人名]马丁·斯科塞斯;马丁·斯科塞斯(美国导演)
5、george floyd───共享弗洛伊德
6、ballade martin───巴拉德·马丁
7、flaxy martin───亚麻马丁
8、stuart martin───斯图尔特·马丁
martin george(双语使用场景)
1、So far this trial has done a good job of establishing for the record what people heard and saw the night George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin.───为止这一审判已经对于在那个晚上乔治·齐默曼射杀塔拉万·马丁人们的所见所闻出色的建立了出色备案记录。
2、Author: Martin Feldstein, George F. Baker Professor of Economics at Harvard university.───作者:马丁·费尔德斯坦,哈佛大学George F . Baker经济学教授。
3、Famed Beatles producer George Martin said. The audience will feel as though they are actually in the room with the band.───披头士乐队著名的音乐制作人乔治·马丁说:“听众们将会有一种在现场听乐队演唱的感觉。”