1、Meng is from Shanghai, but he has spent three years in Australia completing a masters degree in information technology at Central Queensland University (CQU).───小孟来自上海,但已在澳大利亚度过三年时光,在中昆士兰大学(CQU)获得了信息科技硕士学位。
2、Mr. Meng Lo, General Manager of Renaissance Shanghai Zhongshan Park Hotel warmly welcomed Super Model and Movie Star Ms. Xiong Dailin.───上海龙之梦万丽酒店总经理罗德明先生热情欢迎超模及影星熊黛林XiaoJie下榻酒店。
3、' A decline in government revenue, especially at local levels, means that China 'needs to tolerate a bigger deficit, ' Mr. Meng says.───孟原说,政府财政收入尤其是地方财政收入下降,意味着中国需要容忍更大规模的财政赤字。
4、Mr Meng said Mr Srivastav had then been taken to a police station because Guanghe believed he was guilty of fraud.───孟先生称,斯里瓦斯塔瓦随后被带到了JingCha局,因为Guanghe公司认为他犯有ZhaPian罪。
5、Mr. Meng said the company is using the new line of Ming phones to introduce smartphone capabilities to existing Ming users and to expand the target audience beyond high-end business users.───孟 说,摩托罗拉正将“明”系列智能手机介绍给摩托罗拉的现有用户,将目标用户群向高端商务用户之外扩展。
6、Mr Meng made a few trips to Cuba and got deeply fascinated with Cuban cigars.───他曾多次到访古巴,沉醉于当地的无限风情及正宗雪茄。
7、Mr. Meng devoted his life to traditional Chinese learning, particularly in Confucianism.───蒙文通先生一生研治传统学术,于儒家学说钻研尤深。
8、Directing the talk is Mr. Meng, a bald, witty former news anchor.───交谈主持人是孟非,光头,诙谐,先前是一名新闻主播。
9、Meng is from Shanghai, but he has spent three years in Australia completing a masters de GREe in information technology at Central Queensland University (CQU).───小孟来自上海,但已在澳大利亚度过三年时光,在中昆士兰大学 (C Q U)获得了信息科技硕士学位。
mr meng(意思翻译)
mr meng(相似词语短语)
1、mr mr───先生
2、mr wu───吴先生
3、mr zhang───张先生
4、mr donald───唐纳德先生
5、Hen meng───亨蒙
6、fan xi meng───孟凡席
7、mr bull───布尔先生
8、mr you───你先生
9、Jessey Meng───[人名]孟广美
mr meng(双语使用场景)
1、Meng is from Shanghai, but he has spent three years in Australia completing a masters degree in information technology at Central Queensland University (CQU).───小孟来自上海,但已在澳大利亚度过三年时光,在中昆士兰大学(CQU)获得了信息科技硕士学位。
2、Mr. Meng Lo, General Manager of Renaissance Shanghai Zhongshan Park Hotel warmly welcomed Super Model and Movie Star Ms. Xiong Dailin.───上海龙之梦万丽酒店总经理罗德明先生热情欢迎超模及影星熊黛林XiaoJie下榻酒店。
3、' A decline in government revenue, especially at local levels, means that China 'needs to tolerate a bigger deficit, ' Mr. Meng says.───孟原说,政府财政收入尤其是地方财政收入下降,意味着中国需要容忍更大规模的财政赤字。
4、Mr Meng said Mr Srivastav had then been taken to a police station because Guanghe believed he was guilty of fraud.───孟先生称,斯里瓦斯塔瓦随后被带到了JingCha局,因为Guanghe公司认为他犯有ZhaPian罪。
5、Mr. Meng said the company is using the new line of Ming phones to introduce smartphone capabilities to existing Ming users and to expand the target audience beyond high-end business users.───孟 说,摩托罗拉正将“明”系列智能手机介绍给摩托罗拉的现有用户,将目标用户群向高端商务用户之外扩展。
6、Mr Meng made a few trips to Cuba and got deeply fascinated with Cuban cigars.───他曾多次到访古巴,沉醉于当地的无限风情及正宗雪茄。
7、Mr. Meng devoted his life to traditional Chinese learning, particularly in Confucianism.───蒙文通先生一生研治传统学术,于儒家学说钻研尤深。
8、Directing the talk is Mr. Meng, a bald, witty former news anchor.───交谈主持人是孟非,光头,诙谐,先前是一名新闻主播。
9、Meng is from Shanghai, but he has spent three years in Australia completing a masters de GREe in information technology at Central Queensland University (CQU).───小孟来自上海,但已在澳大利亚度过三年时光,在中昆士兰大学 (C Q U)获得了信息科技硕士学位。