1、Japanese companies had such a surfeit of unused capital because of poor corporate governance and fiscal management.───相反,正是由于糟糕的企业治理和财务管理,日本公司才会有过量的闲置资金。
2、Populist politics, poor fiscal management, a reliance on foreign-currency borrowing and fixed exchange rates were a magnet for trouble.───民粹主义的政策、糟糕的财政管理、对举借外债的依赖以及固定汇率制都是引发问题的诱因。
3、Better fiscal management has meant more foreign currency in the Banks and more foreign investment.───较好的金融管理意味着银行拥有较多的外币,国内获得较多的外资。
4、In terms of fiscal management, it has outperformed both the US and Europe.───在财政管理方面,它的表现优于美国和欧洲。
5、California’s legislature contained moderates, normal fiscal management might still be imaginable.───在加州议会中有温和派时,或许还可保证正常的财政运转。
6、Its total GDP already exceeds that of Germany. In terms of fiscal management, it has outperformed both the US and Europe.───现在其GDP总量已经超过德国;在财政管理方面,它的表现优于美国和欧洲。
7、And despite the admirable advances of democracy and of sound fiscal management, prosperity is not entrenched.───尽管印尼在民主与可靠财政管理方面取得可喜进展,但其仍未实现国家繁荣。
8、Good fiscal management did not inoculate Spain against mass unemployment.───良好的财政管理并未使西班牙免遭大规模失业的命运。
9、The statistical authority was granted full independence, while fiscal management was strengthened.───希腊还给予统计部门完全DuLi的地位,同时加强了财政管理。
fiscal management(英语使用场景)
1、Good fiscal management did not inoculate Spain against mass unemployment.
fiscal management(意思翻译)
fiscal management(相似词语短语)
1、fiscal stimulus───[财政]财政刺激;[财政] 财政刺激
2、fiscal cliff───n.财政悬崖
3、procurator fiscal───n.(苏格兰)地方检察官
4、fiscal responsibility───财务责任;财政责任
6、fiscal ship───财政船
7、acumen fiscal───财政尖峰
8、fiscal conservative───财政保守派
fiscal management(双语使用场景)
1、Japanese companies had such a surfeit of unused capital because of poor corporate governance and fiscal management.───相反,正是由于糟糕的企业治理和财务管理,日本公司才会有过量的闲置资金。
2、Populist politics, poor fiscal management, a reliance on foreign-currency borrowing and fixed exchange rates were a magnet for trouble.───民粹主义的政策、糟糕的财政管理、对举借外债的依赖以及固定汇率制都是引发问题的诱因。
3、Better fiscal management has meant more foreign currency in the Banks and more foreign investment.───较好的金融管理意味着银行拥有较多的外币,国内获得较多的外资。
4、In terms of fiscal management, it has outperformed both the US and Europe.───在财政管理方面,它的表现优于美国和欧洲。
5、California’s legislature contained moderates, normal fiscal management might still be imaginable.───在加州议会中有温和派时,或许还可保证正常的财政运转。
6、Its total GDP already exceeds that of Germany. In terms of fiscal management, it has outperformed both the US and Europe.───现在其GDP总量已经超过德国;在财政管理方面,它的表现优于美国和欧洲。
7、And despite the admirable advances of democracy and of sound fiscal management, prosperity is not entrenched.───尽管印尼在民主与可靠财政管理方面取得可喜进展,但其仍未实现国家繁荣。
8、Good fiscal management did not inoculate Spain against mass unemployment.───良好的财政管理并未使西班牙免遭大规模失业的命运。
9、The statistical authority was granted full independence, while fiscal management was strengthened.───希腊还给予统计部门完全DuLi的地位,同时加强了财政管理。
fiscal management(英语使用场景)
1、Good fiscal management did not inoculate Spain against mass unemployment.