1、Some risks are inherent in a complex project that affects every person in the company.───部分风险继承自影响到公司里的每个人的复杂项目。
2、There may be some risks.───这可能有些风险。
3、Going forward, we see some risks of another sticky CPI inflation print for September as a result of the recent rebound in vegetable prices.───放眼未来,我们认为由于最近蔬菜价格回弹,9月的CPI通胀数据有可能会不太乐观。
4、That said, the process is fraught with some risks. First of all, the stagnant wage growth was not limited to Foxconn and Honda.───这就是说,在这个过程当中充满了各种风险,而首先的一点就是工资增长迟钝的现象并不仅仅限于FuShi康和BenTian公司。
5、If you plan to design your costume, take some risks and do something quite out of the box.───如果您计划设计自己的万圣服就不能做的太规矩了。
6、In the opposite sex friendship, women bear some risks, because she may not consciously into a submissive role.───在异XingYouYi中,女人要冒一点风险,因为她可能不自觉地陷入顺从的角色。
7、However, you have to spend time, try your luck, and take some risks.───但你得花时间,然后还要碰运气,最后还得冒一定的风险。
8、And they do have some risks.───它们也有一些风险。
9、Meanwhile I also talked about some risks during an outsourcing and introduced a few solutions.───另外也说明了外包的实施是存在一定风险的,本章中就此也总结了一些应对的方法。
some risks(英语使用场景)
1、This could have some risks to consumer health, but make no mistake: in love and war everything is licit.
2、There are some risks in college finance like unbalance in the whole and excess loan.
3、Why do people tend to unnecessarily fear some risks, yet inadvisably discount others?
4、Experts say some people consider purchasing overseas real estate as basic investment behavior, but some people purchase without on-the-spot investigations, so there will be some risks.
5、The agent's uncertainty of action will bring some risks to insurer unavoidably.
6、But unfortunately, some risks especially the market risk are also brought with this transaction mechanism.
7、In democratic countries the risks may not be so high, but there still are some risks.
some risks(意思翻译)
some risks(相似词语短语)
1、take risks───冒险做可能失败的事
3、taking risks───冒险
4、risks synonym───风险同义词
5、endoscopy risks───内窥镜检查风险
6、canthoplasty risks───健身风险
7、risks covered───承保危险,承保风险;保险范围;承保风险
8、myopia risks───近视风险
9、extraneous risks───附加险;额外风险
some risks(双语使用场景)
1、Some risks are inherent in a complex project that affects every person in the company.───部分风险继承自影响到公司里的每个人的复杂项目。
2、There may be some risks.───这可能有些风险。
3、Going forward, we see some risks of another sticky CPI inflation print for September as a result of the recent rebound in vegetable prices.───放眼未来,我们认为由于最近蔬菜价格回弹,9月的CPI通胀数据有可能会不太乐观。
4、That said, the process is fraught with some risks. First of all, the stagnant wage growth was not limited to Foxconn and Honda.───这就是说,在这个过程当中充满了各种风险,而首先的一点就是工资增长迟钝的现象并不仅仅限于FuShi康和BenTian公司。
5、If you plan to design your costume, take some risks and do something quite out of the box.───如果您计划设计自己的万圣服就不能做的太规矩了。
6、In the opposite sex friendship, women bear some risks, because she may not consciously into a submissive role.───在异XingYouYi中,女人要冒一点风险,因为她可能不自觉地陷入顺从的角色。
7、However, you have to spend time, try your luck, and take some risks.───但你得花时间,然后还要碰运气,最后还得冒一定的风险。
8、And they do have some risks.───它们也有一些风险。
9、Meanwhile I also talked about some risks during an outsourcing and introduced a few solutions.───另外也说明了外包的实施是存在一定风险的,本章中就此也总结了一些应对的方法。
some risks(英语使用场景)
1、This could have some risks to consumer health, but make no mistake: in love and war everything is licit.
2、There are some risks in college finance like unbalance in the whole and excess loan.
3、Why do people tend to unnecessarily fear some risks, yet inadvisably discount others?
4、Experts say some people consider purchasing overseas real estate as basic investment behavior, but some people purchase without on-the-spot investigations, so there will be some risks.
5、The agent's uncertainty of action will bring some risks to insurer unavoidably.
6、But unfortunately, some risks especially the market risk are also brought with this transaction mechanism.
7、In democratic countries the risks may not be so high, but there still are some risks.