1、No matter far from home, or on the way of journeys, as long as we're a family, never leave each other, life is happiness!───远走他乡也好,辗转漂泊也罢,只要一家人相知相爱,不离不弃,就是美好的幸福生活!
2、They have no other way of life. This is a way of life.───那是他们的经营之道,他们没有其它生活方式,这是一种生活方式。
3、Davies suggested that the only way to prove an organism wasn't life as we know it was if it were built using exotic elements which no other form of life had.───戴维斯指出,证明一种生物体不是“我们所知道的生命”的唯一办法就是看它是否是由其他生命形式所没有的外来元素组成的。
no other way of life(意思翻译)
no other way of life(相似词语短语)
1、no way───决不;一点也不
2、no other───(古)别无其他;仅此而已
3、any other way───任何其他方式
4、way of life───生活方式;行为准则
5、a way of life───生活之道;养生之道
6、other way───其他方式
7、no one way of───没有一条路可以走
8、no life───没有生命
9、no no no way───不,不,不可能
no other way of life(双语使用场景)
1、No matter far from home, or on the way of journeys, as long as we're a family, never leave each other, life is happiness!───远走他乡也好,辗转漂泊也罢,只要一家人相知相爱,不离不弃,就是美好的幸福生活!
2、They have no other way of life. This is a way of life.───那是他们的经营之道,他们没有其它生活方式,这是一种生活方式。
3、Davies suggested that the only way to prove an organism wasn't life as we know it was if it were built using exotic elements which no other form of life had.───戴维斯指出,证明一种生物体不是“我们所知道的生命”的唯一办法就是看它是否是由其他生命形式所没有的外来元素组成的。