1、What's the sense of arguing with him?───同他争论有什麼用处呢?
2、However, Mexicans may use silence when instructions are given by a person in authority rather than be rude to that person by arguing with him or her.───然而,当权威人士给出指令时,墨西哥人可能会保持沉默,而不是粗鲁地与对方争吵。
3、She was always arguing with him and fighting with him.───她总是跟他争论和吵架。
4、There is no need arguing with him about the matter.───没有必要就此事和他争论。
5、It is a waste of time arguing with him about the matter.───同他争辩这件事真是浪费时间。
6、I could see that there was no point in arguing with him.───我明白与他争论没有什么意义。
7、It is useless arguing with him about such a matter.───跟他争论这样的事情是没用的。
8、Ordinarily, she wouldn't have bothered arguing with him.───一般而言,她懒得跟他理论。
arguing with him(英语使用场景)
1、We consider it useless arguing with him on that point.
2、From past experience she knew that it was no use arguing with him.
3、Ordinarily, she wouldn't have bothered arguing with him.
4、She was always arguing with him and fighting with him.
5、Simmer down, Kelly, no point of arguing with him.
6、After arguing with him for an hour, we made a fair trade.
7、There is no arguing with him; he is too opinionated to listen to anyone else.
8、I had heard my mother arguing with him about it.
arguing with him(意思翻译)
arguing with him(相似词语短语)
1、arguing about───争论;议论某事
2、with him───和他一起
4、grow with him───和他一起成长
5、play with him───和他一起玩
6、run with him───跟他一起跑
7、go with him───跟他走
8、arguing for───赞成;支持;论证
9、arguing with───争论;和…争吵
arguing with him(双语使用场景)
1、What's the sense of arguing with him?───同他争论有什麼用处呢?
2、However, Mexicans may use silence when instructions are given by a person in authority rather than be rude to that person by arguing with him or her.───然而,当权威人士给出指令时,墨西哥人可能会保持沉默,而不是粗鲁地与对方争吵。
3、She was always arguing with him and fighting with him.───她总是跟他争论和吵架。
4、There is no need arguing with him about the matter.───没有必要就此事和他争论。
5、It is a waste of time arguing with him about the matter.───同他争辩这件事真是浪费时间。
6、I could see that there was no point in arguing with him.───我明白与他争论没有什么意义。
7、It is useless arguing with him about such a matter.───跟他争论这样的事情是没用的。
8、Ordinarily, she wouldn't have bothered arguing with him.───一般而言,她懒得跟他理论。
arguing with him(英语使用场景)
1、We consider it useless arguing with him on that point.
2、From past experience she knew that it was no use arguing with him.
3、Ordinarily, she wouldn't have bothered arguing with him.
4、She was always arguing with him and fighting with him.
5、Simmer down, Kelly, no point of arguing with him.
6、After arguing with him for an hour, we made a fair trade.
7、There is no arguing with him; he is too opinionated to listen to anyone else.
8、I had heard my mother arguing with him about it.