1、Factories that employ workers to do dangerous work should be closed.───雇佣工人从事危险工作的工厂应该被关闭。
2、The Taylors decided that they would employ an architect to do the work.───泰勒夫妇决定雇个建筑师来做这个工作。
3、Now he is about to come to Chu, I want to humiliate him; what means should I employ to do this?───现在他快要来了,我想要羞辱他,我应该用什么法子呢?
4、they employ the term, means: plans made by others will prescribe to me what I am to do and how to do it.───他们使用这个词的方式,“计划”的意思是指:由他人所制定的计划将规定我应该做什么以及如何做。
employ to do(英语使用场景)
1、The engineers are not cavalier in their attitude towards the women they employ to do part of their domestic work and childcare.
employ to do(意思翻译)
employ to do(相似词语短语)
1、do to do───待办事项
2、way to do───怎么做
3、employ for───雇用(某人)干...;为(某原因)雇用(某人);雇人干…; 把…用来做
4、employ force───[法]采用武力
5、what to do───做什么;该做什么;干吗
6、to do to be───待办
8、employ as───雇用为
9、gainfully employ───有偿雇佣
employ to do(双语使用场景)
1、Factories that employ workers to do dangerous work should be closed.───雇佣工人从事危险工作的工厂应该被关闭。
2、The Taylors decided that they would employ an architect to do the work.───泰勒夫妇决定雇个建筑师来做这个工作。
3、Now he is about to come to Chu, I want to humiliate him; what means should I employ to do this?───现在他快要来了,我想要羞辱他,我应该用什么法子呢?
4、they employ the term, means: plans made by others will prescribe to me what I am to do and how to do it.───他们使用这个词的方式,“计划”的意思是指:由他人所制定的计划将规定我应该做什么以及如何做。
employ to do(英语使用场景)
1、The engineers are not cavalier in their attitude towards the women they employ to do part of their domestic work and childcare.