1、Conclusion: the applied Amiodaron treatment in emergency call vein hat secret concern merges the fleetness arrhythmia is valid and safe.───结论急诊静脉应用胺碘酮治疗冠心病合并快速心律失常有效且安全。
2、lost his hat somewhere, with the bunch of matches in the band, but the matches against his chest were safe and dry inside the tobacco pouch and oil paper.───帽子不知在什么地方丢了,帽圈里那小包火柴也一块丢了,不过,贴胸放在烟草袋里的那包用油纸包着的火柴还在,而且是干的。
3、Fear steps in - sometimes in the guise of practicality and sometimes wearing the hat of playing it safe - and provides all kinds of reasons why you can't have what you want.───恐惧的介入有时以实用性作伪装,有时打着谨慎行事的幌子为你不能得到你想要的提供了各种各样的借口。
safe hat(意思翻译)
safe hat(相似词语短语)
2、dishwasher safe───可用于洗碗机
3、home safe───[经] 家庭保险箱
4、safe online───安全在线
5、safe inside───安全的内部
6、safe trip───安全的旅行;abbr.Students Against Faulty Tires Ripping in Pieces 学生反对不完善的金属片折叠疲劳;旅途平安
7、hat───vt.给……戴上帽子;n.帽子;vi.供应帽子;制造帽子;n. (Hat)(中)(广东话·威妥玛)核(人名)
8、safe harbor───安全港;避风港
9、safe launch───安全量产投放
safe hat(双语使用场景)
1、Conclusion: the applied Amiodaron treatment in emergency call vein hat secret concern merges the fleetness arrhythmia is valid and safe.───结论急诊静脉应用胺碘酮治疗冠心病合并快速心律失常有效且安全。
2、lost his hat somewhere, with the bunch of matches in the band, but the matches against his chest were safe and dry inside the tobacco pouch and oil paper.───帽子不知在什么地方丢了,帽圈里那小包火柴也一块丢了,不过,贴胸放在烟草袋里的那包用油纸包着的火柴还在,而且是干的。
3、Fear steps in - sometimes in the guise of practicality and sometimes wearing the hat of playing it safe - and provides all kinds of reasons why you can't have what you want.───恐惧的介入有时以实用性作伪装,有时打着谨慎行事的幌子为你不能得到你想要的提供了各种各样的借口。