1、We’re using rubber bands and bubbles to show the B cell alerting the T cell that there’s a foreign invader,” Ms. Batkin said.───我们正使用橡皮筋儿和泡沫去展示B细胞警告作为外来入侵者的P细胞,”BATKIN夫人说。
2、When the mass ratio of B/KNO3 keeps constant, the ignition powder adding fluorine rubber binder is less sensitive than that of phenol formaldehyde resin.───当B/KNO3配比一定时,添加相同的粘结剂氟橡胶比添加酚醛树脂更钝感。
3、Magnets, Iron and copper Base P/M Components, Soft Ferrite Cores, Ferrite Magnets, Bonded Nd-Fe-B Magnets.───磁瓦,粉末冶金零件,铁氧体永磁,粘结钕铁硼,铁氧体软磁。
rubber b(意思翻译)
rubber b(相似词语短语)
1、your rubber───你的橡皮
2、rubber mouse───橡胶鼠标
3、rubber sandals───橡胶凉鞋
4、rubber cement───n.橡胶泥,橡胶粘合剂,橡胶胶水;n.橡胶胶水
5、rubber cement───n.橡胶泥,橡胶粘合剂,橡胶胶水
6、B b───abbr.滚珠轴承(ballbearing);铅笔芯(doubleblack)
7、rubber stamp───n.橡皮图章; 无主见的人; 照常规的批准; 刻板文章;橡皮图章;无主见的人;未经审查即批准
9、rubber tires───橡胶轮胎
rubber b(双语使用场景)
1、We’re using rubber bands and bubbles to show the B cell alerting the T cell that there’s a foreign invader,” Ms. Batkin said.───我们正使用橡皮筋儿和泡沫去展示B细胞警告作为外来入侵者的P细胞,”BATKIN夫人说。
2、When the mass ratio of B/KNO3 keeps constant, the ignition powder adding fluorine rubber binder is less sensitive than that of phenol formaldehyde resin.───当B/KNO3配比一定时,添加相同的粘结剂氟橡胶比添加酚醛树脂更钝感。
3、Magnets, Iron and copper Base P/M Components, Soft Ferrite Cores, Ferrite Magnets, Bonded Nd-Fe-B Magnets.───磁瓦,粉末冶金零件,铁氧体永磁,粘结钕铁硼,铁氧体软磁。