1、This dialogue is a mechanism to exercise that collective leadership and meet our collective responsibilities.───这一对话是发挥共同主导的作用并履行我们的共同责任的一种机制。
2、I can't answer this question hastily. But i do know this is an enterprise where values are created--making clients' dreams come true also shoulder collective responsibilities;───我不能率然地去描述,但我坚信,她是一个创造价值的企业——实现客户的梦想、承担社会的义务;
3、But it can also be caused by the collective unconscious, so that everyone is shirking its responsibilities.───但也会造成集体无意识,使每个人都推卸自己的责任。
collective responsibilities(英语使用场景)
1、The courts have not been given a mandate to spell out collective responsibilities, and even less to police them.
2、We must not shy away from our collective responsibilities.
collective responsibilities(意思翻译)
collective responsibilities(相似词语短语)
2、executor responsibilities───执行人职责
3、helmsman collective───舵手集体
4、erba collective───集体草
5、camber collective───曲面集合
6、taking responsibilities───承担责任
7、cashier responsibilities───出纳职责
9、anest collective───anest集合
collective responsibilities(双语使用场景)
1、This dialogue is a mechanism to exercise that collective leadership and meet our collective responsibilities.───这一对话是发挥共同主导的作用并履行我们的共同责任的一种机制。
2、I can't answer this question hastily. But i do know this is an enterprise where values are created--making clients' dreams come true also shoulder collective responsibilities;───我不能率然地去描述,但我坚信,她是一个创造价值的企业——实现客户的梦想、承担社会的义务;
3、But it can also be caused by the collective unconscious, so that everyone is shirking its responsibilities.───但也会造成集体无意识,使每个人都推卸自己的责任。
collective responsibilities(英语使用场景)
1、The courts have not been given a mandate to spell out collective responsibilities, and even less to police them.
2、We must not shy away from our collective responsibilities.