1、The attemperator of the gas bypass of Jiawang PFBC-CC pilot plant was studied by simulating experiment and numerical calculation.───采用冷态模拟实验与数值计算相结合的方法对贾汪pfbc CC中试电站旁路烟道的减温器进行了专门研究设计。
2、Hot gas bypass application to the small-size refrigeration equipment───热气旁通在小型冷藏装置中的应用
3、Hot Gas Bypass Valve designed to allow only gas no liquid - to inlet of refrigerant compressor.───热气旁路阀设计,只允许任何液态气体-以进口制冷剂的压缩机。
4、Students start running smoothly machine refrigerant low offset normal value please press following methods to adjust hot gas bypass valve.───机台启动运行平稳后冷媒低压偏移正常值时请按如下方法调节热气旁路阀。
5、Hot gas Bypass Valve designed to allow only gas no liquid - to inlet of refrigerant compressor.───热气旁路阀设计,只允许任何液态气体-以进口制冷剂的压缩机。
gas bypass(英语使用场景)
1、The attemperator of the gas bypass of Jiawang PFBC-CC pilot plant was studied by simulating experiment and numerical calculation.
gas bypass(意思翻译)
gas bypass(相似词语短语)
1、grafted bypass───移植物旁路
2、ups bypass───ups旁路
3、coronary bypass───冠状动脉架桥术,冠状动脉旁路手术;冠状动脉旁路手术;冠状动脉架桥术
4、tethered bypass───栓系旁路
5、disarmed bypass───解除防护旁路
6、fortin bypass───福汀旁路
7、gastric bypass───胃绕道手术;胃旁路术
8、reboot bypass───重新启动旁路
gas bypass(双语使用场景)
1、The attemperator of the gas bypass of Jiawang PFBC-CC pilot plant was studied by simulating experiment and numerical calculation.───采用冷态模拟实验与数值计算相结合的方法对贾汪pfbc CC中试电站旁路烟道的减温器进行了专门研究设计。
2、Hot gas bypass application to the small-size refrigeration equipment───热气旁通在小型冷藏装置中的应用
3、Hot Gas Bypass Valve designed to allow only gas no liquid - to inlet of refrigerant compressor.───热气旁路阀设计,只允许任何液态气体-以进口制冷剂的压缩机。
4、Students start running smoothly machine refrigerant low offset normal value please press following methods to adjust hot gas bypass valve.───机台启动运行平稳后冷媒低压偏移正常值时请按如下方法调节热气旁路阀。
5、Hot gas Bypass Valve designed to allow only gas no liquid - to inlet of refrigerant compressor.───热气旁路阀设计,只允许任何液态气体-以进口制冷剂的压缩机。
gas bypass(英语使用场景)
1、The attemperator of the gas bypass of Jiawang PFBC-CC pilot plant was studied by simulating experiment and numerical calculation.