1、An adobe Ramada shade structure provides excellent thermal mass for evening warmth and daytime sun protection.───一个Adobe华美遮阳结构提供了良好的晚上白天太阳的温暖和保护热质量。
2、Please arrange hotel accommodation directly by calling the Overland Park Ramada at 1-800-2 Ramada.───请直接给拉马达1 - 800 - 2号陆上公园拉马达旅社打电话安排住宿。
3、As a portal hotel, Ramada Pudong Airport Hotel gets a lot of reception tasks and has to follow many special regulations.───作为一个口岸酒店,浦东机场华美达大酒店有其相当的特殊性,经常会收到很多特殊的接待任务,以及区别于其他酒店的特殊规定。
4、And then with the Shanghai Hongqiao Hotel Ramada Plaza Pudong Shanghai State-owned hotels, as the case of comparison with foreign hotel.───再将上海虹桥宾馆与浦东华美达大酒店作为上海国营酒店与外资酒店的案例对比。
5、Here at this special location stands Ramada Pudong Airport Shanghai, the only four star international hotel in the airport working area.───在这个特别的位置,坐落着机场工作区内唯一一家四星级国际品牌酒店——上海浦东机场华美达大酒店。
6、Ramada Plaza Pudong - Shanghai is situated in the heart of Jinqiao Export Processing Zone.───上海浦东华美达大酒店坐落于金桥出口加工区的中心。
7、Mr. Urs Wuthrich, General Manager of the hotel. Started his career in Asia since 1980 with the Ramada Midtown Hotel in Manila.───酒店总经理卫大利先生,1980年于马尼拉的华美达城中酒店开始其在亚洲的酒店职业生涯。
8、Prior to joining Sheraton Shunde Hotel, John was the General Manager at the Ramada Plaza Pudong South in Shanghai.───在加入顺德喜来登酒店之前,盛先生任上海金钵华美达广场酒店总经理一职。
9、When are you gonna put Ramada behind you?───你打算什么时候不再想华美达的事了?
1、Lincoln Park is set up with four softball fields facing outward, with a refreshment stand / bathroom ramada at the hub.
2、The Nordic Initiative will sponsor a luncheon for the group at noon in the Ramada Inn.
3、Apaches from four reservations constructed several structures: a ramada, a sweat lodge and a wickiup covered with bunched yucca strips.
4、Newly-weds can take advantage of the Honeymoon package at the Ramada Renaissance Hotel.
5、I was based in the executive offices and I was going around rendering lobbies and nightclubs for the Ramada.
6、Aides said the president and first lady met with more than 500 people at the Ramada Inn near the airport.
7、The Ramada Plaza Pudong - Shanghai is situated in the heart of Jinqiao Export Processing Zone.
8、Paul Ramada, where they honeymooned for several days on a package deal.
9、The same deal in the swanky Old Istanbul Ramada Hotel with all comforts and casino is £326.
1、ramada plaza───广场扩建
1、An adobe Ramada shade structure provides excellent thermal mass for evening warmth and daytime sun protection.───一个Adobe华美遮阳结构提供了良好的晚上白天太阳的温暖和保护热质量。
2、Please arrange hotel accommodation directly by calling the Overland Park Ramada at 1-800-2 Ramada.───请直接给拉马达1 - 800 - 2号陆上公园拉马达旅社打电话安排住宿。
3、As a portal hotel, Ramada Pudong Airport Hotel gets a lot of reception tasks and has to follow many special regulations.───作为一个口岸酒店,浦东机场华美达大酒店有其相当的特殊性,经常会收到很多特殊的接待任务,以及区别于其他酒店的特殊规定。
4、And then with the Shanghai Hongqiao Hotel Ramada Plaza Pudong Shanghai State-owned hotels, as the case of comparison with foreign hotel.───再将上海虹桥宾馆与浦东华美达大酒店作为上海国营酒店与外资酒店的案例对比。
5、Here at this special location stands Ramada Pudong Airport Shanghai, the only four star international hotel in the airport working area.───在这个特别的位置,坐落着机场工作区内唯一一家四星级国际品牌酒店——上海浦东机场华美达大酒店。
6、Ramada Plaza Pudong - Shanghai is situated in the heart of Jinqiao Export Processing Zone.───上海浦东华美达大酒店坐落于金桥出口加工区的中心。
7、Mr. Urs Wuthrich, General Manager of the hotel. Started his career in Asia since 1980 with the Ramada Midtown Hotel in Manila.───酒店总经理卫大利先生,1980年于马尼拉的华美达城中酒店开始其在亚洲的酒店职业生涯。
8、Prior to joining Sheraton Shunde Hotel, John was the General Manager at the Ramada Plaza Pudong South in Shanghai.───在加入顺德喜来登酒店之前,盛先生任上海金钵华美达广场酒店总经理一职。
9、When are you gonna put Ramada behind you?───你打算什么时候不再想华美达的事了?
1、Lincoln Park is set up with four softball fields facing outward, with a refreshment stand / bathroom ramada at the hub.
2、The Nordic Initiative will sponsor a luncheon for the group at noon in the Ramada Inn.
3、Apaches from four reservations constructed several structures: a ramada, a sweat lodge and a wickiup covered with bunched yucca strips.
4、Newly-weds can take advantage of the Honeymoon package at the Ramada Renaissance Hotel.
5、I was based in the executive offices and I was going around rendering lobbies and nightclubs for the Ramada.
6、Aides said the president and first lady met with more than 500 people at the Ramada Inn near the airport.
7、The Ramada Plaza Pudong - Shanghai is situated in the heart of Jinqiao Export Processing Zone.
8、Paul Ramada, where they honeymooned for several days on a package deal.
9、The same deal in the swanky Old Istanbul Ramada Hotel with all comforts and casino is £326.