1、of doing sophisticated sorting on the client side, the MetaCritic site USES the equivalent of flash CARDS: One card has the list sorted by name, the other by score.───MetaCritic站点没有在客户端进行复杂的排序,而是使用了相当于flash卡的一种方式:一个选项卡上的列表按名称排列,另外一个选项卡按分数排列。
2、They also calculated that the most addicted users have spent over 125 hours on the site during the last year - the equivalent of more than a whole working week.───他们同时计算出上瘾用户去年泡在该网站的时间超过125小时,相当于超过一周时间。
3、Dr Brown described the experience of having his favoured landing site removed from the shortlist as the geological equivalent of having your city's Olympic bid rejected.───布朗博士说,把其最看好的登陆点去掉的经历相当于宣布“你的城市申奥失败”一样。
equivalent site(意思翻译)
equivalent site(相似词语短语)
1、equivalent weight───[化学]当量
3、content equivalent───含量当量
5、algebraically equivalent───代数等价
6、equivalent effect───同等效果;[医]同等作用
7、equivalent of───同等物
8、equivalent fractions───等值分数
9、equivalent circuit───[电子]等效电路
equivalent site(双语使用场景)
1、of doing sophisticated sorting on the client side, the MetaCritic site USES the equivalent of flash CARDS: One card has the list sorted by name, the other by score.───MetaCritic站点没有在客户端进行复杂的排序,而是使用了相当于flash卡的一种方式:一个选项卡上的列表按名称排列,另外一个选项卡按分数排列。
2、They also calculated that the most addicted users have spent over 125 hours on the site during the last year - the equivalent of more than a whole working week.───他们同时计算出上瘾用户去年泡在该网站的时间超过125小时,相当于超过一周时间。
3、Dr Brown described the experience of having his favoured landing site removed from the shortlist as the geological equivalent of having your city's Olympic bid rejected.───布朗博士说,把其最看好的登陆点去掉的经历相当于宣布“你的城市申奥失败”一样。