1、It can measure the gamma rays that the uranium emits when it spontaneously breaks up in pieces and energy is released we call that fission.───能测量You发出的伽马射线,当它同时,散成碎片和释放能量时,我们称之为裂变。
2、These rays are emitted during the decay of certain versions of uranium, iodine, cesium and other elements.───You,碘,铯等元素在一定的半衰期内都可以释放出上述射线。
3、another scientist had found that uranium gaveoff rays so Marie decided to study this area for her doctor'sdegree.───另一位科学家发现You放出射线,所以玛丽决定在这一领域进行研究,以获取博士学位。
uranium rays(意思翻译)
uranium rays(相似词语短语)
2、rays baseball───射线棒球
3、biogenetic rays───生物射线
4、slanting rays───斜射线
6、enriched uranium───[核]浓缩You
7、shady rays───阴暗的光线
8、uranium news───You新闻
9、uranium symbol───You符号
uranium rays(双语使用场景)
1、It can measure the gamma rays that the uranium emits when it spontaneously breaks up in pieces and energy is released we call that fission.───能测量You发出的伽马射线,当它同时,散成碎片和释放能量时,我们称之为裂变。
2、These rays are emitted during the decay of certain versions of uranium, iodine, cesium and other elements.───You,碘,铯等元素在一定的半衰期内都可以释放出上述射线。
3、another scientist had found that uranium gaveoff rays so Marie decided to study this area for her doctor'sdegree.───另一位科学家发现You放出射线,所以玛丽决定在这一领域进行研究,以获取博士学位。