1、With that the tears gushed up and he blurted out: "I'd like to be home with my people. I'd like to hear English spoken. "───听到这话泪水从他眼眶里涌出,他脱口便说,“我想回家跟家人呆在一起,我想听见人们说英语。”
2、His wife blurted, then dashed to the door to call the older boy.───他的妻子脱口而出,然后冲向门口去叫他的长子。
3、He blurted out the answer without thinking.───他不假思索脱口说出了答案。
4、Bush's bigotry was not an isolated mistake, blurted out in the heat of the moment, and later retracted.───布什的偏执并不是一个单独的错误,在兴致所至的时候脱口而出,然后又收回去。
5、Finally I blurted my name out.───最后,我的名字脱口而出。
6、He reportedly blurted out in a private meeting that the nuclear decision was an electoral ploy (he denies this).───据报道,他在一次闭门会议上脱口而出地说关闭核电站的决定只是个拉选票的花招(但他自己否认说过这样的话)。
7、In one case Mr Paulson blurted out that he did not want to be account- able to taxpayers.───有一次,保尔森突然说道,他不想对纳税人负责。
8、Before your reading today , give yourself a summary and decide how much you've mastered and can be blurted out during this month.───开始今天的阅读前,给自己一个总结,看看在过去的一个月里自己掌握了多少东西,有多少是可以脱口而出的。
9、She blurted it out before I could stop her.───我还没来得及制止,她已脱口而出。
1、Peter blurted out the news before he considered the consequence.
2、'You're mad,' the driver blurted out.
3、He blurted everything out about the baby, though we'd agreed to keep it a secret for a while.
4、Over the food, Richard blurted out what was on his mind.
5、He blurted out the bad news before I could stop him.
6、Peter blurted out the secret.
7、She blurted it out before I could stop her.
8、'There's been an accident,' she blurted out.
9、She blurted the secret out before we could stop her.
1、With that the tears gushed up and he blurted out: "I'd like to be home with my people. I'd like to hear English spoken. "───听到这话泪水从他眼眶里涌出,他脱口便说,“我想回家跟家人呆在一起,我想听见人们说英语。”
2、His wife blurted, then dashed to the door to call the older boy.───他的妻子脱口而出,然后冲向门口去叫他的长子。
3、He blurted out the answer without thinking.───他不假思索脱口说出了答案。
4、Bush's bigotry was not an isolated mistake, blurted out in the heat of the moment, and later retracted.───布什的偏执并不是一个单独的错误,在兴致所至的时候脱口而出,然后又收回去。
5、Finally I blurted my name out.───最后,我的名字脱口而出。
6、He reportedly blurted out in a private meeting that the nuclear decision was an electoral ploy (he denies this).───据报道,他在一次闭门会议上脱口而出地说关闭核电站的决定只是个拉选票的花招(但他自己否认说过这样的话)。
7、In one case Mr Paulson blurted out that he did not want to be account- able to taxpayers.───有一次,保尔森突然说道,他不想对纳税人负责。
8、Before your reading today , give yourself a summary and decide how much you've mastered and can be blurted out during this month.───开始今天的阅读前,给自己一个总结,看看在过去的一个月里自己掌握了多少东西,有多少是可以脱口而出的。
9、She blurted it out before I could stop her.───我还没来得及制止,她已脱口而出。
1、Peter blurted out the news before he considered the consequence.
2、'You're mad,' the driver blurted out.
3、He blurted everything out about the baby, though we'd agreed to keep it a secret for a while.
4、Over the food, Richard blurted out what was on his mind.
5、He blurted out the bad news before I could stop him.
6、Peter blurted out the secret.
7、She blurted it out before I could stop her.
8、'There's been an accident,' she blurted out.
9、She blurted the secret out before we could stop her.