1、Cleaning Device (9) (10) (11) ensures the cleaning of liquid supply unit.───清洗装置(9)(10)(11)保证了供液体单元的清洗。
2、in the power cable to the power supply unit.───在电力电缆的电源供应器。
3、PSU (power Supply Unit) fan is always running when the computer it powers is on.───开机,电源风扇就会一直在转。
4、and a supply unit directly supplying cooling air generated from the heat exchange chamber to the ultra-low-temperature storage.───和供给单元,其将所述热交换室产生的冷却空气直接供给至所述超低温存储器。
5、The laptop station has a connection port set and a power supply unit integrally mounted therein.───膝上电脑台具有一体地安装在其中的连接端口组和电源单元。
6、and a flowmeter is mounted at the output end of the water supply unit, and the water supply flow is adjustable.───供水单元的输出端上安装有流量计,供水流量可调。
7、The drinking water provided by a water supply unit must conform to the hygienic standards set by the state.───第十三条供水单位供应的饮用水必须符合国家规定的卫生标准。
8、Consumers are the final source of interest for the whole supply unit. Risks should be shared among the supply unit.───消费者是整个供给单元的利益之源,风险应当在供给单元内部分担;
9、and the power supply unit is connected with the counting unit and is used to provide power source for the counting unit.───所述供电单元和所述计数单元连接,用于为所述计数单元提供电源。
supply unit(英语使用场景)
1、Otherwise, his supply unit would be on the receiving end of a simulated bomb or Tomahawk cruise missile.
2、Timing circuit is usually made up of power supply unit, panel circuit and timing board, it is the digital control part of power source.
3、OBJECTIVE To discuss the occupational hazard factors and protection measures Central Supply Unit.
4、Every repeater unit is supplied with a mains power supply unit with a 1.9 metre cable.
5、This paper describes the functions, composition and key control techniques of PDS 1 power supply unit maintenance test bench.
6、PSU6B is a kind of unit that consists of seismic data acquisition unit and power supply unit in SN388 seismic data acquisition system.
7、The paper presented a special vehicle fuel cell diagnosis device which including control unit, fuel gas supply unit, power conditioning unit, cooling unit, and electric power consumer unit.
8、The stabilized power supply unit for the detectors is mounted at the rear of the chassis.
9、Water - supply unit may be called a printing plate water roll or water roll by version.
supply unit(意思翻译)
supply unit(相似词语短语)
1、guest supply───客人用品
4、crabbing supply───螃蟹供应
5、forestry supply───林业供给
6、supply price───[物价]供应价格,供给价格
7、restaurant supply───餐厅供应
8、supply chain───n.供应链;供应链;供给链;供需链
9、steady supply───稳定供给
supply unit(双语使用场景)
1、Cleaning Device (9) (10) (11) ensures the cleaning of liquid supply unit.───清洗装置(9)(10)(11)保证了供液体单元的清洗。
2、in the power cable to the power supply unit.───在电力电缆的电源供应器。
3、PSU (power Supply Unit) fan is always running when the computer it powers is on.───开机,电源风扇就会一直在转。
4、and a supply unit directly supplying cooling air generated from the heat exchange chamber to the ultra-low-temperature storage.───和供给单元,其将所述热交换室产生的冷却空气直接供给至所述超低温存储器。
5、The laptop station has a connection port set and a power supply unit integrally mounted therein.───膝上电脑台具有一体地安装在其中的连接端口组和电源单元。
6、and a flowmeter is mounted at the output end of the water supply unit, and the water supply flow is adjustable.───供水单元的输出端上安装有流量计,供水流量可调。
7、The drinking water provided by a water supply unit must conform to the hygienic standards set by the state.───第十三条供水单位供应的饮用水必须符合国家规定的卫生标准。
8、Consumers are the final source of interest for the whole supply unit. Risks should be shared among the supply unit.───消费者是整个供给单元的利益之源,风险应当在供给单元内部分担;
9、and the power supply unit is connected with the counting unit and is used to provide power source for the counting unit.───所述供电单元和所述计数单元连接,用于为所述计数单元提供电源。
supply unit(英语使用场景)
1、Otherwise, his supply unit would be on the receiving end of a simulated bomb or Tomahawk cruise missile.
2、Timing circuit is usually made up of power supply unit, panel circuit and timing board, it is the digital control part of power source.
3、OBJECTIVE To discuss the occupational hazard factors and protection measures Central Supply Unit.
4、Every repeater unit is supplied with a mains power supply unit with a 1.9 metre cable.
5、This paper describes the functions, composition and key control techniques of PDS 1 power supply unit maintenance test bench.
6、PSU6B is a kind of unit that consists of seismic data acquisition unit and power supply unit in SN388 seismic data acquisition system.
7、The paper presented a special vehicle fuel cell diagnosis device which including control unit, fuel gas supply unit, power conditioning unit, cooling unit, and electric power consumer unit.
8、The stabilized power supply unit for the detectors is mounted at the rear of the chassis.
9、Water - supply unit may be called a printing plate water roll or water roll by version.