1、Allow logon through terminal services───为用户提供通过终端服务
2、Remote Using ERP Software through Terminal Server Technology───通过终端服务器技术远程使用ERP实验教学软件
3、After being cultivated for about 6 days, two primary mycelia fused through terminal cells or other parts and developed into secondary mycelia with clamp connection and conidiospore.───培养约6天,两条初生菌丝通过顶端细胞或其他部位融合,发育成具有顶端分生孢子和锁状联合的次生菌丝体;
4、Closed Drainage and Displacement of Cerebrospinal Fluid through Terminal Cistern for Treating Serious Subarachnoid Hemorrhage───腰池脑脊液闭式引流与置换治疗重度蛛网膜下腔出血
5、Remote users can directly access an application hosted on Windows Server 2008 through Terminal Services RemoteApp without having to open the entire system desktop in a Terminal Session.───远程用户可以通过Terminal Services RemoteApp直接访问运行在Windows Server 2008上的应用程序,而无需在终端会话中打开整个XiTong桌面。
6、Deny logon through Terminal Services───通过终端服务拒绝登录
7、Problems when more than one user accesses the same file through Terminal Services───多个用户通过终端服务访问同一文件时发生问题
8、Modes on intermodal networks are connected through terminal facilities, which allow freight to shift from one mode to another during a trip from an origin location to a destination.───对多式联运模式网络连接通过终端设备,允许货运从一种模式转变到另一个在从原点位置到目的地的行程。
through terminal(英语使用场景)
1、After being cultivated for about 6 days, two primary mycelia fused through terminal cells or other parts and developed into secondary mycelia with clamp connection and conidiospore.
through terminal(意思翻译)
through terminal(相似词语短语)
1、terminal id───终端id
2、terminal market───[农经]农产品集散市场;n.农产品集散市场; 集散中心市场
3、alacrity terminal───敏捷终端
5、terminal x───端子x
6、terminal box───[电]接线盒
7、terminal monitor───[计]终端监督程序[TM];终端JianKongQi
8、terminal definition───终端定义
through terminal(双语使用场景)
1、Allow logon through terminal services───为用户提供通过终端服务
2、Remote Using ERP Software through Terminal Server Technology───通过终端服务器技术远程使用ERP实验教学软件
3、After being cultivated for about 6 days, two primary mycelia fused through terminal cells or other parts and developed into secondary mycelia with clamp connection and conidiospore.───培养约6天,两条初生菌丝通过顶端细胞或其他部位融合,发育成具有顶端分生孢子和锁状联合的次生菌丝体;
4、Closed Drainage and Displacement of Cerebrospinal Fluid through Terminal Cistern for Treating Serious Subarachnoid Hemorrhage───腰池脑脊液闭式引流与置换治疗重度蛛网膜下腔出血
5、Remote users can directly access an application hosted on Windows Server 2008 through Terminal Services RemoteApp without having to open the entire system desktop in a Terminal Session.───远程用户可以通过Terminal Services RemoteApp直接访问运行在Windows Server 2008上的应用程序,而无需在终端会话中打开整个XiTong桌面。
6、Deny logon through Terminal Services───通过终端服务拒绝登录
7、Problems when more than one user accesses the same file through Terminal Services───多个用户通过终端服务访问同一文件时发生问题
8、Modes on intermodal networks are connected through terminal facilities, which allow freight to shift from one mode to another during a trip from an origin location to a destination.───对多式联运模式网络连接通过终端设备,允许货运从一种模式转变到另一个在从原点位置到目的地的行程。
through terminal(英语使用场景)
1、After being cultivated for about 6 days, two primary mycelia fused through terminal cells or other parts and developed into secondary mycelia with clamp connection and conidiospore.