1、Biotechnology. Large scale process and production. Guidance for the handling, inactivating and testing of waste.───生物工程.大规模处理和生产.废物处理,失活和试验指南
2、The existing vaccines can only reduce the amount of virus, rather than totally inactivating it.───当前的疫苗只会减少病毒数量,并非真正杀灭病毒。
3、Pasteurization used by industry for liquid egg products is also effective in inactivating the virus.───对液体蛋制品使用的巴氏灭菌在灭活该病毒方面也是有效的。
4、Deletions of and inactivating mutations of SRY are among the known causes of XY sex reversal.───已知SRY基因的缺失和点突变是造成XY女性性反转的病因之一。
5、biotechnology - laboratories for research , development and analysis - guidance for handling , inactivating and testing of waste.───生物技术。研究开发和分析实验室。废弃物运输消除活性和试验指南。
6、The researchers found that inactivating the PTEN gene in mice led to the formation of the malignant tumor associated with BRCA1 mutations.───研究人员发现,灭活小鼠的PTEN基因能诱发与BRCA1突变相关的恶性肿瘤的形成。
7、Thermal inactivating behavior of Bacillus stearothermophilus under high pressure.───高压下嗜热脂肪芽胞杆菌热失活行为。
8、The inactivating effects on SOD, including hydrochloric acid in stomach and proteinases in stomach and small intestines, are measured.───对SOD经胃及肠道中的失活作用,包括胃酸和蛋白水解酶作用后活力的变化进行了测定。
9、All of the disinfectants tested were highly effective in removing or inactivating the test microbes.───所有被检测的消毒剂在清除和灭活微生物方面都十分有效。
1、There exist different methods of inactivating cells which give a non-reaction-occurring condition under which the effective diffusivity of a substrate in the immobilized cell matrix is often measured.
2、It manage the orders in the order book , such as canceling, changing, activating, and inactivating orders.
3、An inactivating BK current ( BKi ) was identified in rat small dorsal root ganglia ( DRG ) neurons.
4、The efficacy of alkaline glutaraldehyde in inactivating poliovirus was higher than that of acidic glutaraldehyde.
5、Another type of water purifier uses a positive electrostatic charge as a means of inactivating viruses and bacteria.
6、Objective:To find out the purification method of the balsam pear(Momordica charantia)ribosome inactivating proteins(RIP)and to study the activity of RIP in restraining TMV.
7、Objective:To understand the dynamic change in nucleic acid of VSV(vesicular stomatitis virus)in inactivating the virus by photochemistry.
8、The organic interfering substance had certain influence on the efficacy of povidone iodine in inactivating virus.
9、The second way was to find a compound which would compete for or block the inactivating enzyme.
1、disassociated due to inactivity 4───由于不活动而解除关联4
2、inactivity mode───非活动模式
4、inactive memory───不活跃内存
5、inactivity monitors───非活动监视器
6、unoccupied inactive───空置闲置
7、inactive means───非活动方式
8、inactivity settings───非活动设置
9、inactivity timeout───不活动超时
1、Biotechnology. Large scale process and production. Guidance for the handling, inactivating and testing of waste.───生物工程.大规模处理和生产.废物处理,失活和试验指南
2、The existing vaccines can only reduce the amount of virus, rather than totally inactivating it.───当前的疫苗只会减少病毒数量,并非真正杀灭病毒。
3、Pasteurization used by industry for liquid egg products is also effective in inactivating the virus.───对液体蛋制品使用的巴氏灭菌在灭活该病毒方面也是有效的。
4、Deletions of and inactivating mutations of SRY are among the known causes of XY sex reversal.───已知SRY基因的缺失和点突变是造成XY女性性反转的病因之一。
5、biotechnology - laboratories for research , development and analysis - guidance for handling , inactivating and testing of waste.───生物技术。研究开发和分析实验室。废弃物运输消除活性和试验指南。
6、The researchers found that inactivating the PTEN gene in mice led to the formation of the malignant tumor associated with BRCA1 mutations.───研究人员发现,灭活小鼠的PTEN基因能诱发与BRCA1突变相关的恶性肿瘤的形成。
7、Thermal inactivating behavior of Bacillus stearothermophilus under high pressure.───高压下嗜热脂肪芽胞杆菌热失活行为。
8、The inactivating effects on SOD, including hydrochloric acid in stomach and proteinases in stomach and small intestines, are measured.───对SOD经胃及肠道中的失活作用,包括胃酸和蛋白水解酶作用后活力的变化进行了测定。
9、All of the disinfectants tested were highly effective in removing or inactivating the test microbes.───所有被检测的消毒剂在清除和灭活微生物方面都十分有效。
1、There exist different methods of inactivating cells which give a non-reaction-occurring condition under which the effective diffusivity of a substrate in the immobilized cell matrix is often measured.
2、It manage the orders in the order book , such as canceling, changing, activating, and inactivating orders.
3、An inactivating BK current ( BKi ) was identified in rat small dorsal root ganglia ( DRG ) neurons.
4、The efficacy of alkaline glutaraldehyde in inactivating poliovirus was higher than that of acidic glutaraldehyde.
5、Another type of water purifier uses a positive electrostatic charge as a means of inactivating viruses and bacteria.
6、Objective:To find out the purification method of the balsam pear(Momordica charantia)ribosome inactivating proteins(RIP)and to study the activity of RIP in restraining TMV.
7、Objective:To understand the dynamic change in nucleic acid of VSV(vesicular stomatitis virus)in inactivating the virus by photochemistry.
8、The organic interfering substance had certain influence on the efficacy of povidone iodine in inactivating virus.
9、The second way was to find a compound which would compete for or block the inactivating enzyme.