1、Now from the window we could see a GREy sky, trees drenched in the rain; in such weather we could go nowhere, and there was nothing for us to do but to tell stories and to listen.───此时窗外的天空灰蒙蒙的,所有的树木在雨中都湿透了,这样的天气我们哪儿都不能去,除了说故事或者聆听之外无事可做。
2、He was coming to and asking for morphine and I said, ‘You’ll get out and tell your hero stories and come visit us in Florence,’ and he was, like, ‘I will, I will.───他过来要MaFei,而我说,‘你会活着出去的,你会有机会将你的英雄故事,你会到弗洛伦斯来看望我们的。
3、Many success stories are around us, and the young heart in our chest, the colorful dreams in our mind, all of these tell us we should do something for ourselves.───许多的成功故事围绕着我们,还有年轻的心在胸膛里跳动,五彩斑斓的梦想还在脑中,所有这些都在告诉我们我们应该做我们自己。
tell stories for us(意思翻译)
tell stories for us(相似词语短语)
1、bad for us───对我们不好
2、as for us───至于我们呢
3、tell stories───说谎;讲故事;编故事
5、tell us───n.忒勒斯(大地女神)
6、except for us───除了我们
7、tell for───告发
8、for us───为了我们;对我们有利
9、good for us───对我们有好处;对我们很好;对我们有利的;对我们有益
tell stories for us(双语使用场景)
1、Now from the window we could see a GREy sky, trees drenched in the rain; in such weather we could go nowhere, and there was nothing for us to do but to tell stories and to listen.───此时窗外的天空灰蒙蒙的,所有的树木在雨中都湿透了,这样的天气我们哪儿都不能去,除了说故事或者聆听之外无事可做。
2、He was coming to and asking for morphine and I said, ‘You’ll get out and tell your hero stories and come visit us in Florence,’ and he was, like, ‘I will, I will.───他过来要MaFei,而我说,‘你会活着出去的,你会有机会将你的英雄故事,你会到弗洛伦斯来看望我们的。
3、Many success stories are around us, and the young heart in our chest, the colorful dreams in our mind, all of these tell us we should do something for ourselves.───许多的成功故事围绕着我们,还有年轻的心在胸膛里跳动,五彩斑斓的梦想还在脑中,所有这些都在告诉我们我们应该做我们自己。