1、The company says its involvement is part of a stepped-up commitment to developing wirelessly connected intelligent vehicles.───该公司表示,它加入此项合作,是它深化其无线连接的智能车战略的一部分。
2、So far, out of the 26 people who have stepped up to the plate, no one has managed to clean it up.───到目前为止,已有26人尝试挑战,但没有一个能把盘子吃空。
3、He has stepped up his training to prepare for the race.───他为准备那场比赛加强了训练。
4、The country stepped up internal security.───该国加强了国内安全防卫。
5、Search aircraft have stepped up the hunt for an Air France jet that disappeared over the Atlantic with 228 people on board.───搜救飞机正在加紧寻找在大西洋上空失踪的载有228人的法航飞机。
6、But a year later the Islamic militant group Hamas seized control of Gaza and stepped up rocket attacks across the border.───但是,一年之后YiSiLan激进组织哈马斯控制了加沙并加强了越过边界的火箭袭击。
7、Six years ago, Steve and I made a major transition when he stepped up to be CEO.───六年前,当史蒂夫提升为CEO时,他和我做了一次重大的交接。
8、Meanwhile, the U. S. has stepped up in the unilateral deployment of missile defense systems in Europe.───与此同时,美国却在欧洲单方面加紧部署反导XiTong。
9、She stepped up to receive her prize.───她走上前去领奖。
1、The stepped-up Republican attack against Mr Rubin only heightened investors' concern over the budget stalemate in Washington.
2、The regulation also seeks stepped-up monitoring for mercury and a more accurate means of demonstrating compliance with soot limits.
3、In that respect, the stepped-up U.S. role appeared to have an effect, American officials said.
4、The Kremlin may be calculating that a stepped-up military is in Moscow's interest.
5、The stepped-up pace of invention, application and diffusion, in turn, accelerates the whole cycle still further.
6、There are reports of stepped-up fighting in El Salvador.
7、Officials say this has resulted in stepped-up security at Saudi Arabia's Ras Tanura terminal, the world's largest offshore oil facility.
8、He referred to my rods as stepped-up fly rods, and his I called tent poles.
9、This stepped-up aggressiveness extends to other areas.
1、stepped back───后退,退后;无意义
2、stepped on───vt.踩上…;踏上…
3、stepped forward───走出,向前进;站出来
4、stepped───v.举步,行走,跨步( step的过去式和过去分词 ); 离开(along); (尤指马)轻快地走; (跳舞时)合着节拍走;v.踏;行走(step的过去式和过去分词)
5、stepped over───跨过;单步执行;不进入函式;逐过程
6、stepped onto───登上;踏上
7、stepped into───进入
8、stepped down───下阶梯队;任期届满,让位
9、stepped off───步测;死;结婚
1、The company says its involvement is part of a stepped-up commitment to developing wirelessly connected intelligent vehicles.───该公司表示,它加入此项合作,是它深化其无线连接的智能车战略的一部分。
2、So far, out of the 26 people who have stepped up to the plate, no one has managed to clean it up.───到目前为止,已有26人尝试挑战,但没有一个能把盘子吃空。
3、He has stepped up his training to prepare for the race.───他为准备那场比赛加强了训练。
4、The country stepped up internal security.───该国加强了国内安全防卫。
5、Search aircraft have stepped up the hunt for an Air France jet that disappeared over the Atlantic with 228 people on board.───搜救飞机正在加紧寻找在大西洋上空失踪的载有228人的法航飞机。
6、But a year later the Islamic militant group Hamas seized control of Gaza and stepped up rocket attacks across the border.───但是,一年之后YiSiLan激进组织哈马斯控制了加沙并加强了越过边界的火箭袭击。
7、Six years ago, Steve and I made a major transition when he stepped up to be CEO.───六年前,当史蒂夫提升为CEO时,他和我做了一次重大的交接。
8、Meanwhile, the U. S. has stepped up in the unilateral deployment of missile defense systems in Europe.───与此同时,美国却在欧洲单方面加紧部署反导XiTong。
9、She stepped up to receive her prize.───她走上前去领奖。
1、The stepped-up Republican attack against Mr Rubin only heightened investors' concern over the budget stalemate in Washington.
2、The regulation also seeks stepped-up monitoring for mercury and a more accurate means of demonstrating compliance with soot limits.
3、In that respect, the stepped-up U.S. role appeared to have an effect, American officials said.
4、The Kremlin may be calculating that a stepped-up military is in Moscow's interest.
5、The stepped-up pace of invention, application and diffusion, in turn, accelerates the whole cycle still further.
6、There are reports of stepped-up fighting in El Salvador.
7、Officials say this has resulted in stepped-up security at Saudi Arabia's Ras Tanura terminal, the world's largest offshore oil facility.
8、He referred to my rods as stepped-up fly rods, and his I called tent poles.
9、This stepped-up aggressiveness extends to other areas.