1、Conclusions Our findings suggest that minor limitations in the range of wrist motion and diminished grip strength, as seen with nonoperative care, do not seem to limit functional recovery at one year.───结论我们的研究结果表明,在非手术组腕关节轻微活动范围受限和握力减低,似乎没有影响一年后的功能恢复。
2、In recent years, the suit has loosened its grip on the work place with a wide range of professional careers redefining the definition of what it means to dress smart.───近年来,职场人士曾经对套装得到了兴味,许多不同行业的人重新定义了什么是漂亮的穿着打扮。
3、Grip strength, range of active elbow extension, and speed of rope climbing returned to baseline values at postoperative Days 4, 8, and 8, respectively.───与术后4,8,8天分别可以观察到握力、肘关节主动伸展、爬绳速度的恢复。
grip range(意思翻译)
grip range(相似词语短语)
1、strong grip───握力强
2、water grip───水抓地力
3、angled grip───斜握
4、loosen grip───松开手柄
6、castellan grip───城主之握
7、power grip───力性抓握;[医]紧握手位,握力法
8、underhand grip───反握
grip range(双语使用场景)
1、Conclusions Our findings suggest that minor limitations in the range of wrist motion and diminished grip strength, as seen with nonoperative care, do not seem to limit functional recovery at one year.───结论我们的研究结果表明,在非手术组腕关节轻微活动范围受限和握力减低,似乎没有影响一年后的功能恢复。
2、In recent years, the suit has loosened its grip on the work place with a wide range of professional careers redefining the definition of what it means to dress smart.───近年来,职场人士曾经对套装得到了兴味,许多不同行业的人重新定义了什么是漂亮的穿着打扮。
3、Grip strength, range of active elbow extension, and speed of rope climbing returned to baseline values at postoperative Days 4, 8, and 8, respectively.───与术后4,8,8天分别可以观察到握力、肘关节主动伸展、爬绳速度的恢复。