1、Mr Bumble shook his head again, very seriously, and turned down the corners of his mouth.───班布尔先生非常严肃地又摇了摇头,撇了撇嘴。
2、Even Mr Bumble felt a little pity. He coughed, told Oliver to dry his eyes and be a good boy, and walked on with him in silence.───连班布尔先生也有点可怜他了。他咳了一声,嘱咐奥利弗擦干眼泪,要当个乖孩子。然后两人便径直朝前走着,谁也不吭声了。
3、Nosema bombi is a bee pathogen that has also afflicted European bumble bees.───孢子虫是一种蜂类病原体,它也困扰欧洲的大黄蜂。
4、"I do not like bumble bees. They are all over bristles, " said Mr. Jackson, wiping his mouth with his coat sleeve.───“我不喜欢大黄蜂。牠们全身都是硬毛,”杰克逊先生说,他用外套的袖子擦嘴巴。
5、This is really going to bumble me'.───这简直是要我难堪’。
6、When the bumble continued to look for its you-know-what, they chopped those off as well.───当弄糟继续寻找它的你,知道是什么,它们切碎这些关闭的。
7、If Mr Bumble had known this earlier, he might have told a different story, but now it was too late. So he took the money and left.───如果班布尔早知道是这样的话,他说的可能会与刚才说的完全不一样,可现在已为时太晚了。他只好拿了钱,离开了。
8、Jack Daly was an executive at Bumble Bee Seafoods , and he and his wife had to do a great deal of business entertaining.───当年杰克·达里曾是大蜜蜂海鲜城的总经理,他和妻子每天都得应付大量生意业务。
9、Later that month she used her play money to buy a piece of bumble gum.───后来她用私房钱账户里的钱买了一块口香糖。
1、bumble bee tuna───大黄蜂金枪鱼
2、bumble nums───bumble编号
3、fumble bumble───笨手笨脚的
4、bumble app───bumble应用程序
5、bumble bff───bumble bff公司
6、bumble and bumble───笨重的,笨重的
1、Mr Bumble shook his head again, very seriously, and turned down the corners of his mouth.───班布尔先生非常严肃地又摇了摇头,撇了撇嘴。
2、Even Mr Bumble felt a little pity. He coughed, told Oliver to dry his eyes and be a good boy, and walked on with him in silence.───连班布尔先生也有点可怜他了。他咳了一声,嘱咐奥利弗擦干眼泪,要当个乖孩子。然后两人便径直朝前走着,谁也不吭声了。
3、Nosema bombi is a bee pathogen that has also afflicted European bumble bees.───孢子虫是一种蜂类病原体,它也困扰欧洲的大黄蜂。
4、"I do not like bumble bees. They are all over bristles, " said Mr. Jackson, wiping his mouth with his coat sleeve.───“我不喜欢大黄蜂。牠们全身都是硬毛,”杰克逊先生说,他用外套的袖子擦嘴巴。
5、This is really going to bumble me'.───这简直是要我难堪’。
6、When the bumble continued to look for its you-know-what, they chopped those off as well.───当弄糟继续寻找它的你,知道是什么,它们切碎这些关闭的。
7、If Mr Bumble had known this earlier, he might have told a different story, but now it was too late. So he took the money and left.───如果班布尔早知道是这样的话,他说的可能会与刚才说的完全不一样,可现在已为时太晚了。他只好拿了钱,离开了。
8、Jack Daly was an executive at Bumble Bee Seafoods , and he and his wife had to do a great deal of business entertaining.───当年杰克·达里曾是大蜜蜂海鲜城的总经理,他和妻子每天都得应付大量生意业务。
9、Later that month she used her play money to buy a piece of bumble gum.───后来她用私房钱账户里的钱买了一块口香糖。