1、Nesbit called it information economy in mega trends.───继而奈斯比特在《大趋势》中又称之为“信息经济”;
2、Rebecca Nesbit is an Assistant Professor in the Department of PublicAdministration and Policy at the University of Georgia.───丽贝卡·内斯比特女士是美国佐治亚大学公共管理和政策学系的助理教授。
3、Now, why don't you talk to Lynn Nesbit about him?───现在,你为什么不告诉林恩有关他的事?
4、Nesbit Procedure For Curvature Of Penis───芮斯比式治疗YinJing弯曲术
1、Director Peter Nesbit has also announced plans to renovate the original museum which will then house medieval and Renaissance collections.
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1、Nesbit called it information economy in mega trends.───继而奈斯比特在《大趋势》中又称之为“信息经济”;
2、Rebecca Nesbit is an Assistant Professor in the Department of PublicAdministration and Policy at the University of Georgia.───丽贝卡·内斯比特女士是美国佐治亚大学公共管理和政策学系的助理教授。
3、Now, why don't you talk to Lynn Nesbit about him?───现在,你为什么不告诉林恩有关他的事?
4、Nesbit Procedure For Curvature Of Penis───芮斯比式治疗YinJing弯曲术
1、Director Peter Nesbit has also announced plans to renovate the original museum which will then house medieval and Renaissance collections.