1、avoid one of life's biggest traps. You'll never, ever, touch that Tar Baby.───学会了这些,你就能避开生活中最大的陷阱,就不会感到恐惧了。
2、Now if you din't cut it out, l'm going to move go faraway, no one will ever touch me again!───你们看着,如果你们再不停止这样做,我就要走得远远的,再也没有人可以碰到我了!
3、Do not ever touch, never again to open the door that the door of memory.───永远不去触及,永远不再去开启那扇记忆之门。
4、Don't you ever touch her again!───别敢再碰她一下!
5、Ahmad Jamal is one of the best jazz pianists to ever touch the keys.───艾哈迈德·贾马尔是世界上最好的爵士键盘手之一。
6、Scripts can also be tested in development, system integration, performance, QA, and staging before they ever touch a production environment.───在进入生产环境之前,还应该在开发、XiTong集成、性能、QA和过渡阶段测试脚本。
7、Let your child know that no one else should ever touch them without their permission.───让你的孩子知道没有人会在没有他们允许的情况下接近他们。
8、Many people hardly ever touch their dogs any more other than just petting or an occasional brushing .───除了偶尔刷毛和抚弄一下狗之外,很多人几乎不再碰他们的狗。
9、I will, I will indeed—nor ever touch another, though heaven send it and an archangel fetch it.───我会的,真的会的——即使上天送来,大天使取来,我也永远不会再碰了。
ever touch(英语使用场景)
1、He doesn't ever touch a canvas with paint, but he gives me ideas.
2、According to Rona Berg in her book 'Beauty' a French cosmetics executive once told her 'soap should only ever touch your skin from the neck down. ' We agree.
ever touch(意思翻译)
ever touch(相似词语短语)
1、touch with───用…触摸
2、ever ever time───从来没有过
3、for ever and ever───adv.永远; 永生永世
6、baby touch───婴儿抚摸
7、ever for ever───永远永远
8、touch me───触摸我(歌曲名);[电影]触摸
9、ever ever ever───从来没有过
ever touch(双语使用场景)
1、avoid one of life's biggest traps. You'll never, ever, touch that Tar Baby.───学会了这些,你就能避开生活中最大的陷阱,就不会感到恐惧了。
2、Now if you din't cut it out, l'm going to move go faraway, no one will ever touch me again!───你们看着,如果你们再不停止这样做,我就要走得远远的,再也没有人可以碰到我了!
3、Do not ever touch, never again to open the door that the door of memory.───永远不去触及,永远不再去开启那扇记忆之门。
4、Don't you ever touch her again!───别敢再碰她一下!
5、Ahmad Jamal is one of the best jazz pianists to ever touch the keys.───艾哈迈德·贾马尔是世界上最好的爵士键盘手之一。
6、Scripts can also be tested in development, system integration, performance, QA, and staging before they ever touch a production environment.───在进入生产环境之前,还应该在开发、XiTong集成、性能、QA和过渡阶段测试脚本。
7、Let your child know that no one else should ever touch them without their permission.───让你的孩子知道没有人会在没有他们允许的情况下接近他们。
8、Many people hardly ever touch their dogs any more other than just petting or an occasional brushing .───除了偶尔刷毛和抚弄一下狗之外,很多人几乎不再碰他们的狗。
9、I will, I will indeed—nor ever touch another, though heaven send it and an archangel fetch it.───我会的,真的会的——即使上天送来,大天使取来,我也永远不会再碰了。
ever touch(英语使用场景)
1、He doesn't ever touch a canvas with paint, but he gives me ideas.
2、According to Rona Berg in her book 'Beauty' a French cosmetics executive once told her 'soap should only ever touch your skin from the neck down. ' We agree.