1、The world has recently been awash with tales of oil bonanzas in far-flung corners of the globe.───最近,世界上出现了不少在偏远角落发现庞大石油储量的故事。
2、Silverstone and Nurburgring were real bonanzas for Red Bull Racing, with one-two finishes at each.───银石和纽博格林对红牛来说是真正的大丰收,都是一二名完赛。
3、Thanks to the advent of well-managed sovereign-wealth funds, many have looked after their financial assets far more prudently over this cycle than during previous bonanzas.───多亏经营良好的ZhuQuan财富基金的问世,与之前在石油危机中获得财富时相比,这一轮石油危机许多海湾国家更为谨慎地照看其金融资产。
4、No more Klondikes. No more bonanzas. You will have to learn to sing and caper a bit, to read the zodiac and study your entrails.───没有克朗代克,再也没有富金矿了,你将不得不学着唱两句、跳两下,读一读十二宫图,研究研究你的内脏。
2、carbonates means───碳酸盐是指
3、bonanza episodes───财源滚滚
4、carbonated drinks───n.碳酸饮料;汽水;n.汽水
5、carbonado sd───carbonado公司
6、carbonated water───n.苏打水;碳酸水;苏打水
7、carbonation inflation deluxe───碳化膨胀豪华型
8、prosopis bonap───好项目
9、bonaparte aide───波拿巴助手
10、bicarbonate of soda───小苏打;碳酸氢钠;小苏打,碳酸氢钠
1、The world has recently been awash with tales of oil bonanzas in far-flung corners of the globe.───最近,世界上出现了不少在偏远角落发现庞大石油储量的故事。
2、Silverstone and Nurburgring were real bonanzas for Red Bull Racing, with one-two finishes at each.───银石和纽博格林对红牛来说是真正的大丰收,都是一二名完赛。
3、Thanks to the advent of well-managed sovereign-wealth funds, many have looked after their financial assets far more prudently over this cycle than during previous bonanzas.───多亏经营良好的ZhuQuan财富基金的问世,与之前在石油危机中获得财富时相比,这一轮石油危机许多海湾国家更为谨慎地照看其金融资产。
4、No more Klondikes. No more bonanzas. You will have to learn to sing and caper a bit, to read the zodiac and study your entrails.───没有克朗代克,再也没有富金矿了,你将不得不学着唱两句、跳两下,读一读十二宫图,研究研究你的内脏。