1、Scorpio is all about intensity. The Scorpion wants food bursting with powerful flavors like basil, cinnamon, curry, garlic and ginger.───天蝎座喜欢那些能给他们的味蕾带来强烈冲击的菜肴,喜欢加入足量的罗勒、肉桂、咖喱粉、大蒜、姜等调味品。
2、"Pay no attention to letter, must have been mad, bought hat-stand to day- Basil, " she read. She couldn't take her eyes off the telegram.───“别在意信,我一定疯了,已买到衣帽架——巴兹尔,”她读道。她根本不能将她的目光从电报中移开。
3、The word "basil" is derived from the Greek word for "king, " a reference to its royal fragrance.───英文名“Basil”这一单词来自希腊词语“国王”,以示它的贵族气息。
4、'I know you'll laugh at me, 'replied Basil, 'but I can't exhibit the picture in an art gallery. I've put too much of myself into it. '───“我知道你会嘲笑我,”巴兹尔答道,“但我不能将这幅画在画廊展出,我在这里画了自己太多的东西。”
5、One day she was playing her favourite game, pretending to make a garden, when one of the children, Basil, offered to help.───一天,她正玩着最喜欢的造花园游戏,那家的孩子巴兹尔走过来想帮她忙。
6、Combine salt, marjoram, basil, pepper, and garlic powder in a small bowl. Rub spice mixture all over the pork roast.───先将盐,马乔莲,九层塔叶,黑胡椒粉和蒜粉在一个小碗里充分混合,然后将混合物均匀的涂抹在猪里脊肉上。
7、I like sandwiches a lot, and I'll add slices of fresh tomato, some fresh basil, spinach, sprouts, French mustard and so on.───我很喜欢三明治,我会加几片新鲜的西红柿,一些新鲜的罗勒,菠菜,豆芽,法国芥末等等。
8、It was Basil who thought of it first.───是巴兹尔首先想到的。
9、's nothing like fresh basil to put a zing into a tomato sauce.───番茄酱里加什么都不如加新鲜紫苏更能提味。
1、sweet basil───n.紫花罗勒
2、dehydrate basil leaves───脱水罗勒叶
3、basil hayden bourbon───海登波旁汽车
4、lime basil───酸橙罗勒
5、blissful basil───极乐罗勒
6、basil pesto recipe───罗勒酱配方
7、basil ii───罗勒二世
8、basil pesto───罗勒松仁酱
9、basil hayden───基本上,
1、Scorpio is all about intensity. The Scorpion wants food bursting with powerful flavors like basil, cinnamon, curry, garlic and ginger.───天蝎座喜欢那些能给他们的味蕾带来强烈冲击的菜肴,喜欢加入足量的罗勒、肉桂、咖喱粉、大蒜、姜等调味品。
2、"Pay no attention to letter, must have been mad, bought hat-stand to day- Basil, " she read. She couldn't take her eyes off the telegram.───“别在意信,我一定疯了,已买到衣帽架——巴兹尔,”她读道。她根本不能将她的目光从电报中移开。
3、The word "basil" is derived from the Greek word for "king, " a reference to its royal fragrance.───英文名“Basil”这一单词来自希腊词语“国王”,以示它的贵族气息。
4、'I know you'll laugh at me, 'replied Basil, 'but I can't exhibit the picture in an art gallery. I've put too much of myself into it. '───“我知道你会嘲笑我,”巴兹尔答道,“但我不能将这幅画在画廊展出,我在这里画了自己太多的东西。”
5、One day she was playing her favourite game, pretending to make a garden, when one of the children, Basil, offered to help.───一天,她正玩着最喜欢的造花园游戏,那家的孩子巴兹尔走过来想帮她忙。
6、Combine salt, marjoram, basil, pepper, and garlic powder in a small bowl. Rub spice mixture all over the pork roast.───先将盐,马乔莲,九层塔叶,黑胡椒粉和蒜粉在一个小碗里充分混合,然后将混合物均匀的涂抹在猪里脊肉上。
7、I like sandwiches a lot, and I'll add slices of fresh tomato, some fresh basil, spinach, sprouts, French mustard and so on.───我很喜欢三明治,我会加几片新鲜的西红柿,一些新鲜的罗勒,菠菜,豆芽,法国芥末等等。
8、It was Basil who thought of it first.───是巴兹尔首先想到的。
9、's nothing like fresh basil to put a zing into a tomato sauce.───番茄酱里加什么都不如加新鲜紫苏更能提味。
1、Add a few leaves of fresh basil to the salad.