1、Development with Xtext is optimized for short turn-arounds, so that adding new features to an existing DSL is a matter of minutes.───使用Xtext的开发经过了优化,从而可以缩短周转期,因此将新特性添加到已有DSL中只需要几分钟的时间。
2、It influences their request of parents, it influences their short turn compresuctions parents.───它影响了孩子对父母的要求,它影响了他们的短期消费类型。
3、In the scheduled delivery model, a customer can receive a hotfix to address their most critical situations with a short turn-around time.───计划传递模型,中客户可接收修复程序来解决他们最重要情况与短turn-周转时间。
4、In short, our brain evolved circuits to allow us to experience sympathy, which in turn made civilization, and an ethics based on sympathy, possible.───简而言之,我们的大脑进化出了让我们体验同情的回路,这反过来又使文明和基于同情的伦理成为可能。
5、short turn around time has been made possible by the recent successes in selling the MSS 6000.───最近成功地销售了MSS 6000,SSC公司可以在这样短的时间内交货。
short turn(意思翻译)
short turn(相似词语短语)
1、short───adj.短的,短暂的; 矮的; 短缺的; 短期的;n.短;缺乏;短路;短裤;adj.短的;不足的;矮的,低的;adv.不足;突然;唐突地;adv.突然; 唐突地; 简短地; 横贯地;n.短裤; 短路; 缺乏;n.(Short)(英)肖特(人名)
2、turn grow───转成长
3、turn turn turn───转身,转身
4、about turn───拐弯
6、n turn───n转弯
7、turn green───变绿(色);变绿;变得环保
8、good turn───n.善意的或友谊的行为;恩惠;n.善意的或友谊的行为,恩惠; 好事
9、turn and turn───转啊转
short turn(双语使用场景)
1、Development with Xtext is optimized for short turn-arounds, so that adding new features to an existing DSL is a matter of minutes.───使用Xtext的开发经过了优化,从而可以缩短周转期,因此将新特性添加到已有DSL中只需要几分钟的时间。
2、It influences their request of parents, it influences their short turn compresuctions parents.───它影响了孩子对父母的要求,它影响了他们的短期消费类型。
3、In the scheduled delivery model, a customer can receive a hotfix to address their most critical situations with a short turn-around time.───计划传递模型,中客户可接收修复程序来解决他们最重要情况与短turn-周转时间。
4、In short, our brain evolved circuits to allow us to experience sympathy, which in turn made civilization, and an ethics based on sympathy, possible.───简而言之,我们的大脑进化出了让我们体验同情的回路,这反过来又使文明和基于同情的伦理成为可能。
5、short turn around time has been made possible by the recent successes in selling the MSS 6000.───最近成功地销售了MSS 6000,SSC公司可以在这样短的时间内交货。