1、Responsible for illustrating drawing form US and establish regular communication structure with US engineering center.───负责所有从美国来的图纸解释,建立与美国工程中心定期交流机制。
2、Motivation requires a delicate balance of communication, structure, and incentives.───动力需要交流,生活结构和个人的动机的绝对平衡。
3、Effective at adapting communication structure, mode, and level of detail to the needs of others.───有效地调整沟通结构、模式和详细程度以适应他人的需要。
4、And coincidentally it is part of the man's neural communication structure also.───而很凑巧的是,铜还同样是人类神经通讯XiTong的构成元素。
5、Software radio is a new kind of wireless communication structure.───软件无线电是一种新兴的无线电通信体系结构。
6、During the remote automatic control communication, the partial communication structure uses RS485 bus.───在工矿自动化远程控制通信中,一部分通信结构采用的RS485总线方式。
7、Communication networks and systems in substations - Basic communication structure for substation and feeder equipment - Common data classes───变电所的通信网络和XiTong.变电所和馈电设备用基本通信结构.公用数据种类
8、At present, BWA system has been one of the most important components of global communication structure.───目前,宽带无线接入XiTong已成为全球通信架构中的一个重要组成部分。
9、During the remote automatic control communication, the partial communication structure USES RS485 bus.───在工矿自动化远程控制通信中,一部分通信结构采用的RS485总线方式。
communication structure(英语使用场景)
1、The paper analyzes the problems with AZL90 axle counter communication structure, and puts forward an idea for solving these problems with star topology.
2、Next, It'studies all - sided aspects of DNC system detailedly including communication structure, function and classification.
3、The primary user is made up of a point to point communication structure, while the second user consists of cognitive source node, cognitive relay and terminal node.
4、Tradtionally, the Master-slave communication structure is based on RS-232/RS-422 bus. It has low data rate and low reliability which is not a robust system.
communication structure(意思翻译)
communication structure(相似词语短语)
1、communication gap───沟通落差;通讯隔阂
2、science communication───科学传播
3、visual communication───视觉通讯;可视通信
4、communication interface───[通信][计]通信接口
6、gestural communication───手势交流
7、communication biology───传播生物学
8、communication barriers───交流障碍
communication structure(双语使用场景)
1、Responsible for illustrating drawing form US and establish regular communication structure with US engineering center.───负责所有从美国来的图纸解释,建立与美国工程中心定期交流机制。
2、Motivation requires a delicate balance of communication, structure, and incentives.───动力需要交流,生活结构和个人的动机的绝对平衡。
3、Effective at adapting communication structure, mode, and level of detail to the needs of others.───有效地调整沟通结构、模式和详细程度以适应他人的需要。
4、And coincidentally it is part of the man's neural communication structure also.───而很凑巧的是,铜还同样是人类神经通讯XiTong的构成元素。
5、Software radio is a new kind of wireless communication structure.───软件无线电是一种新兴的无线电通信体系结构。
6、During the remote automatic control communication, the partial communication structure uses RS485 bus.───在工矿自动化远程控制通信中,一部分通信结构采用的RS485总线方式。
7、Communication networks and systems in substations - Basic communication structure for substation and feeder equipment - Common data classes───变电所的通信网络和XiTong.变电所和馈电设备用基本通信结构.公用数据种类
8、At present, BWA system has been one of the most important components of global communication structure.───目前,宽带无线接入XiTong已成为全球通信架构中的一个重要组成部分。
9、During the remote automatic control communication, the partial communication structure USES RS485 bus.───在工矿自动化远程控制通信中,一部分通信结构采用的RS485总线方式。
communication structure(英语使用场景)
1、The paper analyzes the problems with AZL90 axle counter communication structure, and puts forward an idea for solving these problems with star topology.
2、Next, It'studies all - sided aspects of DNC system detailedly including communication structure, function and classification.
3、The primary user is made up of a point to point communication structure, while the second user consists of cognitive source node, cognitive relay and terminal node.
4、Tradtionally, the Master-slave communication structure is based on RS-232/RS-422 bus. It has low data rate and low reliability which is not a robust system.