1、Less frequently, it is due to infection through blood transfusion, vertical transmission (from infected mother to child) or organ donation.───较少的情况中,通过输血,纵向传播(母婴感染)或器官捐献也造成感染。
2、Conclusions: UU infection during the period of pregnancy can affect the embryonic development and result in the low body weight of new life through vertical transmission.───结论:妊娠期uu感染可通过垂直传播方式影响子代发育,导致出生低体重。
3、one of the hot issues to analyse and study the infectious disease dynamic model. Two kinds of SIRS infectious disease models with vertical infection were constructed in the article.───传染病动力学模型的分析与研究是当今的热点问题之一,本文构造了两类具有垂直传染的SIRS传染病模型。
vertical infection(意思翻译)
vertical infection(相似词语短语)
1、lumbricoides infection───蛔虫感染
4、vertical post───竖柱;立柱
5、vertical farm───立体农场
6、kidney infection───肾脏感染
7、vertical tile───垂直平铺
8、vertical garden───直立式花园;垂直花园
9、vertical distance───[数]垂直距离
vertical infection(双语使用场景)
1、Less frequently, it is due to infection through blood transfusion, vertical transmission (from infected mother to child) or organ donation.───较少的情况中,通过输血,纵向传播(母婴感染)或器官捐献也造成感染。
2、Conclusions: UU infection during the period of pregnancy can affect the embryonic development and result in the low body weight of new life through vertical transmission.───结论:妊娠期uu感染可通过垂直传播方式影响子代发育,导致出生低体重。
3、one of the hot issues to analyse and study the infectious disease dynamic model. Two kinds of SIRS infectious disease models with vertical infection were constructed in the article.───传染病动力学模型的分析与研究是当今的热点问题之一,本文构造了两类具有垂直传染的SIRS传染病模型。