1、In addition, this method gives users of your application the ability to re-attach a new ID file when needed.───此外,这个方法允许应用程序的用户在必要的时候重新附加一个新的ID文件。
2、This allows a set-user-ID (other than root) program to drop all of its user privileges, do some un-privileged work, and then re-engage the original effective user ID in a secure manner.───这使 set-user-ID(非根)程序能够放弃它的所有用户特权,执行一些非特权Cao作,然后恢复原来的有效用户 ID。
3、Now re-invoke this service with the input1 element set to a user ID not available in the internal file user registry.───现在,使用一个内部文件用户注册表中没有的用户 ID 重新调用这个服务。
re id(意思翻译)
n.里德 (Read)
re id(相似词语短语)
1、compliance id───合规id
2、apple id id───苹果id id
3、re───prep.(用于公函起首介绍主题或回复邮件)关于,兹就;n.来 (C)
4、pensioner id───养老金领取者ShenFenZheng
5、re re───回复
7、ambon id───安邦id
8、patient id───患者标识符
9、aggregator id───聚合器id
re id(双语使用场景)
1、In addition, this method gives users of your application the ability to re-attach a new ID file when needed.───此外,这个方法允许应用程序的用户在必要的时候重新附加一个新的ID文件。
2、This allows a set-user-ID (other than root) program to drop all of its user privileges, do some un-privileged work, and then re-engage the original effective user ID in a secure manner.───这使 set-user-ID(非根)程序能够放弃它的所有用户特权,执行一些非特权Cao作,然后恢复原来的有效用户 ID。
3、Now re-invoke this service with the input1 element set to a user ID not available in the internal file user registry.───现在,使用一个内部文件用户注册表中没有的用户 ID 重新调用这个服务。