1、Ming no longer makes cupcakes on her site, but her pistachio olive oil cake with FIG compote filling and cream cheese frosting lives on in our archive, as one of your favorite cakes.───明许久不曾更新她博客上的食谱了,但她的浪漫无花果盘夹芝士橄榄油冰淇淋冻蛋糕作为一款颇受欢迎的作品一直为我们所熟记。
2、Olive oil is rich in cream, which can effectively resist the external environment right against the skin and improve the skin's natural defense.───丰富橄榄油精华,可有效抵御外界环境对肌肤的侵害,提高皮肤的天然防御力。
1、Main Components: foliage antidandruff cream, natural olive cream, silk-fibroin, vitamin B5, NMF and etc.
2、Hot-oiling and brushing: natural olive cream, silk-fibroin, vitamin B5 and the NMF penetrate from the hair root, hot oiling the hair, showing the shiny hair and bringing the submissive feeling.
olive cream(意思翻译)
olive cream(相似词语短语)
1、olive oils───n.橄榄油( olive oil的名词复数 )
2、olive gold───橄榄金
3、olive branch───n.橄榄枝;橄榄枝(象征和平);谈和的建议;小孩
4、virgin olive───油橄榄幼树
6、pomace olive───橄榄渣
7、mask olive───橄榄面膜
8、olive bird───橄榄鸟
9、black olive───黑橄榄;黑齐墩果色;乌榄;鸟榄
olive cream(双语使用场景)
1、Ming no longer makes cupcakes on her site, but her pistachio olive oil cake with FIG compote filling and cream cheese frosting lives on in our archive, as one of your favorite cakes.───明许久不曾更新她博客上的食谱了,但她的浪漫无花果盘夹芝士橄榄油冰淇淋冻蛋糕作为一款颇受欢迎的作品一直为我们所熟记。
2、Olive oil is rich in cream, which can effectively resist the external environment right against the skin and improve the skin's natural defense.───丰富橄榄油精华,可有效抵御外界环境对肌肤的侵害,提高皮肤的天然防御力。
3、Major Components: Cactus extract cream, Olive oil, vitamin B5, geraniums.───主要成份:仙人掌萃取精华,橄榄油,维生素原B5,天竺葵。
olive cream(英语使用场景)
1、Main Components: foliage antidandruff cream, natural olive cream, silk-fibroin, vitamin B5, NMF and etc.
2、Hot-oiling and brushing: natural olive cream, silk-fibroin, vitamin B5 and the NMF penetrate from the hair root, hot oiling the hair, showing the shiny hair and bringing the submissive feeling.