1、effects of reaction conditions in the hydrothermal process on the catalytic activity and selectivity of TS-1 were investigated.───表征研究了水热合成条件对合成的TS - 1分子筛苯酚羟基化反应活性及选择性的影响。
2、An Isotropic Viscoelastic Model Coupled with Hydrothermal Effects───含湿热效应的各向同性耦合粘弹模型
3、Alumina support was treated by adding pore-enlarging additives and hydrothermal treatment respectively to study the effects of various pore-enlarging methods on the pore structure of alumina.───分别采用扩孔剂法和水热处理法对氧化铝载体进行处理,考察不同扩孔方法对氧化铝载体孔结构的影响。
4、effects of hydrothermal conditions and compound compositions on phases, structures and grain size of the products were studied.───研究了水热合成条件及组成变化对产物物相、结构和粒度的影响。
hydrothermal effects(意思翻译)
hydrothermal effects(相似词语短语)
1、healing effects───治疗效果
2、asyndeton effects───阿辛顿效应
4、side effects───副作用
5、hydrothermal vent───深海热泉;深海热液喷口
7、significant effects───显著效果
8、selection effects───选择效果;[天]选择效应
9、detrimental effects───有害作用
hydrothermal effects(双语使用场景)
1、effects of reaction conditions in the hydrothermal process on the catalytic activity and selectivity of TS-1 were investigated.───表征研究了水热合成条件对合成的TS - 1分子筛苯酚羟基化反应活性及选择性的影响。
2、An Isotropic Viscoelastic Model Coupled with Hydrothermal Effects───含湿热效应的各向同性耦合粘弹模型
3、Alumina support was treated by adding pore-enlarging additives and hydrothermal treatment respectively to study the effects of various pore-enlarging methods on the pore structure of alumina.───分别采用扩孔剂法和水热处理法对氧化铝载体进行处理,考察不同扩孔方法对氧化铝载体孔结构的影响。
4、effects of hydrothermal conditions and compound compositions on phases, structures and grain size of the products were studied.───研究了水热合成条件及组成变化对产物物相、结构和粒度的影响。