1、Forget gold and oil.Investors looking to beat the recession in the next decade might want to consider hitting the open range and starting a sheep farm.───忘了黄金和石油吧,下一个十年,想要DiZhi衰退的投资者可能要考虑去开阔的草原办一个羊场。
2、inflation has continued its relentless rise, with the central bank's targeted measure, CPIX, hitting 9.4% in february-its 11th month outside the official 3-6% target range.───通货膨胀无情的增长之势持续不断,中央银行的指标量度标准——消费者物价指数(CPIX)在一月份达到9.4%,这是其第11个月份超出官方3 - 6%的指标范围。
3、Users pick 3 goals a week, which can range from hitting the gym, eating less carbs to reducing stress.───用户每周制定3个目标,比如去健身房,少吃高热食品以减少压力。
hitting range(意思翻译)
hitting range(相似词语短语)
3、hitting net───击球网
4、kitchen range───厨房炉灶
5、violoncello range───大提琴架
6、hitting vault───击打跳马
7、lampyridae range───七鳃鳗科
8、mountain range───山脉; 山峦; 岭
9、gas range───瓦斯炉具;煤气灶
hitting range(双语使用场景)
1、Forget gold and oil.Investors looking to beat the recession in the next decade might want to consider hitting the open range and starting a sheep farm.───忘了黄金和石油吧,下一个十年,想要DiZhi衰退的投资者可能要考虑去开阔的草原办一个羊场。
2、inflation has continued its relentless rise, with the central bank's targeted measure, CPIX, hitting 9.4% in february-its 11th month outside the official 3-6% target range.───通货膨胀无情的增长之势持续不断,中央银行的指标量度标准——消费者物价指数(CPIX)在一月份达到9.4%,这是其第11个月份超出官方3 - 6%的指标范围。
3、Users pick 3 goals a week, which can range from hitting the gym, eating less carbs to reducing stress.───用户每周制定3个目标,比如去健身房,少吃高热食品以减少压力。