1、Dennis said that to add to a losing position was like being the kid who's been burned on a hot stove once already but puts his hand back on the stove just to prove it was the stove that was wrong.───丹尼斯说,向下摊平成本就等于一个小孩被火炉烧了,结果你把他的手又放到火炉上以证明是火炉的错。
2、You are like a candle, although thin, but there is one hot, send a spectral, lights others, exhausted themselves. The selfless dedication, a kid.───您像一支蜡烛,虽然细弱,但有一分热,发一分光,照亮了别人,耗尽了自己。这无私的奉献,令人永志不忘。
3、A kid will try to paint the most loved and dearest creature to him with the same colour he paints himself. Energetic and restless usually choose warm and hot colours – crimson and orange.───一个孩子将尝试用同样的颜色画他最爱的人,精力充沛的小孩喜欢用暖色和强烈的颜色——深红色和橘黄色,喜欢安静沉思并严肃的孩子喜欢调和的颜色,他们喜欢深蓝,蓝色,浅黄。
hot kid(意思翻译)
hot kid(相似词语短语)
1、kid city───儿童城
2、skull kid───骷髅小子
3、street kid───流浪儿童
5、wimpy kid───小屁孩
6、wild kid───熊孩子
7、kid rock───摇滚小子
8、Kid sBox───儿童游戏机
9、hot hot───HuoLa辣的
hot kid(双语使用场景)
1、Dennis said that to add to a losing position was like being the kid who's been burned on a hot stove once already but puts his hand back on the stove just to prove it was the stove that was wrong.───丹尼斯说,向下摊平成本就等于一个小孩被火炉烧了,结果你把他的手又放到火炉上以证明是火炉的错。
2、You are like a candle, although thin, but there is one hot, send a spectral, lights others, exhausted themselves. The selfless dedication, a kid.───您像一支蜡烛,虽然细弱,但有一分热,发一分光,照亮了别人,耗尽了自己。这无私的奉献,令人永志不忘。
3、A kid will try to paint the most loved and dearest creature to him with the same colour he paints himself. Energetic and restless usually choose warm and hot colours – crimson and orange.───一个孩子将尝试用同样的颜色画他最爱的人,精力充沛的小孩喜欢用暖色和强烈的颜色——深红色和橘黄色,喜欢安静沉思并严肃的孩子喜欢调和的颜色,他们喜欢深蓝,蓝色,浅黄。