1、When I wrote my report, I suggested they shorten their iterations to a maximum of three weeks, preferably two weeks.───当我撰写报告的时候,我建议他们将迭代周期缩短为最长三周,两周最好。
2、After several iterations, the maximum likelihood estimation and compensation of the TPC of the target can be realized more effectively.───经过几次迭代,可以有效地实现目标TPC的最大似然估计和补偿。
3、special guard conditions are minimum iterations written as minint = [the number] (e.g., minint = 1) and maximum iterations written as maxint = [the number] (e.g., maxint = 5).───特定的约束条件式是写作“minint = [the number]”(例如,“minint = 1”)的最小循环次数,和写作“maxint = [the number]”(例如,“maxint = 5”)的最大循环次数。
maximum iterations(意思翻译)
maximum iterations(相似词语短语)
2、absolute maximum───最大绝对值
3、maximum height───最大高度
4、maximum power───[化] 最高功率;[电]最大功率;最高功率
5、assumable maximum slope NS───假定最大坡度NS
6、maximum drive───最大驱动力
7、absolute maximum rating───最大绝对额定值;[电子]绝对最大定额值
8、maximum recursion depth exceeded───超过最大递归深度
9、maximum battery life───最大电池寿命
maximum iterations(双语使用场景)
1、When I wrote my report, I suggested they shorten their iterations to a maximum of three weeks, preferably two weeks.───当我撰写报告的时候,我建议他们将迭代周期缩短为最长三周,两周最好。
2、After several iterations, the maximum likelihood estimation and compensation of the TPC of the target can be realized more effectively.───经过几次迭代,可以有效地实现目标TPC的最大似然估计和补偿。
3、special guard conditions are minimum iterations written as minint = [the number] (e.g., minint = 1) and maximum iterations written as maxint = [the number] (e.g., maxint = 5).───特定的约束条件式是写作“minint = [the number]”(例如,“minint = 1”)的最小循环次数,和写作“maxint = [the number]”(例如,“maxint = 5”)的最大循环次数。