1、A row ahead of the men, a group of high school girls with glossy hair and spaghetti straps plays a clapping game that does not seem to annoy the other passengers.───一排人前面,一群衣着光鲜的高中女孩正玩着拍手游戏,似乎并没有打扰到其他的乘客。
2、High school, girls are boys class pursuit, but I did not.───上高中时,班上的女生都有男生追求,而我没有。
3、It's really a magical journey, from day-dreaming high school girls to well-known singers. Nothing but magical indeed.───这真是个不可思议的旅程,从高中女生做白日梦了著名歌手除了不可思议的。
4、In the shifting power dynamics of middle school girls, the former friend understood well that she who sneers first sneers best.───在中学女生权势动态变化之中,这位前女友充分认识到——最先嘲笑的人笑得最好。
5、Bob is a hot number in his high school; girls will try all they can for a date with him.───鲍勃在他的中学里很出风头,女孩们都千方百计地想跟他约会。
6、But ethnicity combined with poverty can be a barrier: two-thirds of out-of-school girls around the world belong to ethnic minority groups.───但种族和贫困问题则是构成上学的障碍:全球三分之二的失学女童属于少数族裔群体。
7、I tried to imitate her hair, her lipstick, her lashes, the clothes of the lithesome, beautiful and generically appealing high school girls that I saw in those pages.───我模仿杂志页面上漂亮苗条女生的头发,唇膏,睫毛以及穿着打扮。
8、The high school girls have stopped their clapping game and are pretending to speak in Spanish between laughing fits.───那几个玩拍手游戏的高中女孩挺了下来,尝试着说一阵西班牙语。
9、A high school girls basketball team in Kansas promised their coach NCAA championship tickets if he could make a half-court shot blindfolded.───一间肯萨斯高中的女子篮球队承诺,假如她们的教练能蒙眼投进半场投篮,她们就势必获得NCAA决赛的入场卷。
school girls(英语使用场景)
1、In Katine primary school, girls get problems, but teachers send them away.
2、Hinterland of the snowy plateau, the Brahmaputra side, as if the possession of rural school girls in purdah, poetic beauty, charming, like a dream.
3、Most high school girls say they want to be thinner.
4、But in the end, there were no busty babes , no Catholic school girls looking for trouble.
5、The two high school girls were abducted at gunpoint on Tuesday.
6、Soldiers stopped high school girls on the streets, stripped off their clothes and sexually humiliated them.
school girls(意思翻译)
school girls(相似词语短语)
1、diocesan school for girls───女教区女子学校
2、crimson girls───深红色的女孩
3、cute girls───可爱女孩
4、sallor girls───莎洛女孩
5、girls power───女孩权力;女孩力量
6、girls club───女孩俱乐部
8、maymei girls───美眉女孩
9、best girls───n.心爱的女朋友
school girls(双语使用场景)
1、A row ahead of the men, a group of high school girls with glossy hair and spaghetti straps plays a clapping game that does not seem to annoy the other passengers.───一排人前面,一群衣着光鲜的高中女孩正玩着拍手游戏,似乎并没有打扰到其他的乘客。
2、High school, girls are boys class pursuit, but I did not.───上高中时,班上的女生都有男生追求,而我没有。
3、It's really a magical journey, from day-dreaming high school girls to well-known singers. Nothing but magical indeed.───这真是个不可思议的旅程,从高中女生做白日梦了著名歌手除了不可思议的。
4、In the shifting power dynamics of middle school girls, the former friend understood well that she who sneers first sneers best.───在中学女生权势动态变化之中,这位前女友充分认识到——最先嘲笑的人笑得最好。
5、Bob is a hot number in his high school; girls will try all they can for a date with him.───鲍勃在他的中学里很出风头,女孩们都千方百计地想跟他约会。
6、But ethnicity combined with poverty can be a barrier: two-thirds of out-of-school girls around the world belong to ethnic minority groups.───但种族和贫困问题则是构成上学的障碍:全球三分之二的失学女童属于少数族裔群体。
7、I tried to imitate her hair, her lipstick, her lashes, the clothes of the lithesome, beautiful and generically appealing high school girls that I saw in those pages.───我模仿杂志页面上漂亮苗条女生的头发,唇膏,睫毛以及穿着打扮。
8、The high school girls have stopped their clapping game and are pretending to speak in Spanish between laughing fits.───那几个玩拍手游戏的高中女孩挺了下来,尝试着说一阵西班牙语。
9、A high school girls basketball team in Kansas promised their coach NCAA championship tickets if he could make a half-court shot blindfolded.───一间肯萨斯高中的女子篮球队承诺,假如她们的教练能蒙眼投进半场投篮,她们就势必获得NCAA决赛的入场卷。
school girls(英语使用场景)
1、In Katine primary school, girls get problems, but teachers send them away.
2、Hinterland of the snowy plateau, the Brahmaputra side, as if the possession of rural school girls in purdah, poetic beauty, charming, like a dream.
3、Most high school girls say they want to be thinner.
4、But in the end, there were no busty babes , no Catholic school girls looking for trouble.
5、The two high school girls were abducted at gunpoint on Tuesday.
6、Soldiers stopped high school girls on the streets, stripped off their clothes and sexually humiliated them.