1、OBJECTIVE To study the role of fetal heart rate monitoring and color Doppler ultrasonography examination in fetal distress prognosis.───目的探讨临产前电子胎心监护联合彩超判断胎儿预后的价值。
2、Methods A retrospective analysis of 126 cases with the first stage of labor factors related to abnormal fetal heart rate monitoring.───方法:回顾性分析126例第一产程胎心监护异常的相关因素。
3、test in labor and selective intermittent fetal heart rate monitoring are effective monitoring methods for fetal distress.───胎心入室试验可有效地预测胎儿预后,为产时胎儿监测的重要手段之一。
4、Clinical analysis of continuous electronic fetal heart rate monitoring for preterm small for gestational age during labor───小于胎龄早产儿产时胎心电子监护图形特征及其临床意义
5、Heart rate monitoring is a flawed science.───心率监测是一门有缺陷的科学。
6、Among them have an introduction for completely to the fetal monitoring, and give a detail expatiate on fetal heart rate monitoring.───其中对胎儿监护有一个全面的介绍,并对胎儿心率监护进行了详细的阐述。
7、abstract: Objective To evaluate the application of the fetal heart rate monitoring in labor and its value.───目的探讨胎心监护在临产中的应用价值研究。
8、ObjectiveTo discuss the common cause and clinical disposal of intrapartum abnormal fetal heart rate monitoring.───目的探讨产时胎儿监护异常的常见原因及临床处理。
9、Clinical analysis of continuous electronic fetal heart rate monitoring for oligohydramnios───羊水过少胎心电子监护图形特征及围产结局
heart rate monitoring(英语使用场景)
1、OBJECTIVE To study the role of heart rate monitoring and examination in fetal distress prognosis.
2、ObjectiveTo discuss the common cause and clinical disposal of intrapartum abnormal fetal heart rate monitoring.
3、The available evidence does not support routine continuous fetal heart rate monitoring during all labours.
heart rate monitoring(意思翻译)
heart rate monitoring(相似词语短语)
1、heightened monitoring───加强监测
2、monitoring data───[计] 监测数据
3、heart rate───[生理]心率
4、monitoring system───[自]监控XiTong,监督XiTong;监视XiTong,JianTingXiTong
5、fetal heart rate───[妇产]胎心率;胎儿心搏率
6、abnormally low heart rate───异常低心率
7、heart rate bpm───心率bpm
8、heart rate sensor───心率传感器
heart rate monitoring(双语使用场景)
1、OBJECTIVE To study the role of fetal heart rate monitoring and color Doppler ultrasonography examination in fetal distress prognosis.───目的探讨临产前电子胎心监护联合彩超判断胎儿预后的价值。
2、Methods A retrospective analysis of 126 cases with the first stage of labor factors related to abnormal fetal heart rate monitoring.───方法:回顾性分析126例第一产程胎心监护异常的相关因素。
3、test in labor and selective intermittent fetal heart rate monitoring are effective monitoring methods for fetal distress.───胎心入室试验可有效地预测胎儿预后,为产时胎儿监测的重要手段之一。
4、Clinical analysis of continuous electronic fetal heart rate monitoring for preterm small for gestational age during labor───小于胎龄早产儿产时胎心电子监护图形特征及其临床意义
5、Heart rate monitoring is a flawed science.───心率监测是一门有缺陷的科学。
6、Among them have an introduction for completely to the fetal monitoring, and give a detail expatiate on fetal heart rate monitoring.───其中对胎儿监护有一个全面的介绍,并对胎儿心率监护进行了详细的阐述。
7、abstract: Objective To evaluate the application of the fetal heart rate monitoring in labor and its value.───目的探讨胎心监护在临产中的应用价值研究。
8、ObjectiveTo discuss the common cause and clinical disposal of intrapartum abnormal fetal heart rate monitoring.───目的探讨产时胎儿监护异常的常见原因及临床处理。
9、Clinical analysis of continuous electronic fetal heart rate monitoring for oligohydramnios───羊水过少胎心电子监护图形特征及围产结局
heart rate monitoring(英语使用场景)
1、OBJECTIVE To study the role of heart rate monitoring and examination in fetal distress prognosis.
2、ObjectiveTo discuss the common cause and clinical disposal of intrapartum abnormal fetal heart rate monitoring.
3、The available evidence does not support routine continuous fetal heart rate monitoring during all labours.