1、requests of cloud computing user were mapped to the host by elected root node, and the on-demand operations of creating, deleting, and stopping a virtual machine were achieved.───选举的根节点映射云计算用户请求至宿主机,实现节点上虚拟机的按需创建、删除及停止等Cao作。
2、besides many other cloud hosting systems, Google doesn't provide you root access but gives the possibility of unlimited resource usage.───不像掐他云托管XiTong,Google虽然不提供root权限,但是能提供无限资源使用的可能。
3、is said that is a small gentleman gentleman, you greatly kill cloud state the first group that is tormented by you to break a root for time ha.───据传是小君君你大杀云州时候第一个被你折磨到断根的门派呵。
root cloud(意思翻译)
root cloud(相似词语短语)
2、cloud───n. (Cloud)克劳德(人名);vt.使混乱;以云遮蔽;使忧郁;玷污;n.云;阴云;云状物;一大群;黑斑;vi.阴沉;乌云密布
3、cloud concert───云音乐会
4、cloud nine───n.九重天(想象中的天堂);极乐心境;狂喜状态;n.<俚>极乐心境,狂喜状态
5、low cloud───[气象]低云
6、dark cloud───乌云;黑云;暗云
7、dust cloud───尘埃云;[天]尘云;尘雾;尘云,尘雾; 粉雾
8、shelf cloud───架云
9、disroot cloud───脱根云
root cloud(双语使用场景)
1、requests of cloud computing user were mapped to the host by elected root node, and the on-demand operations of creating, deleting, and stopping a virtual machine were achieved.───选举的根节点映射云计算用户请求至宿主机,实现节点上虚拟机的按需创建、删除及停止等Cao作。
2、besides many other cloud hosting systems, Google doesn't provide you root access but gives the possibility of unlimited resource usage.───不像掐他云托管XiTong,Google虽然不提供root权限,但是能提供无限资源使用的可能。
3、is said that is a small gentleman gentleman, you greatly kill cloud state the first group that is tormented by you to break a root for time ha.───据传是小君君你大杀云州时候第一个被你折磨到断根的门派呵。