1、The river stretches across the center of the city into the distance.───这条河穿过市中心流向远方。
2、Spread the vegetables filling horizontally across the center of red cabbage. Roll up tightly to enclose filling. Can make about 6 pieces.───于每片红椰菜叶的一端铺上其馀蔬菜各一,然后包起,可包出6件。
3、Draw the flange bolt holes across the center line with a ruler, assemble───用直尺划出法兰螺栓孔跨ZhongXian,与筒体纵缝线平行组装。
4、The stress of the plane across the center of the vessel is largest.───容器爆心环面的应力是最大的;
5、An ordinary person walking across the center wouldn't pick them out from among the engineers and flight controllers.───一个穿过中心的普通人根本就不能将他们从工程师和飞行管理员中区分开来。
6、He draws a line across the center of that page.───他在那页的中间画了一条线。
7、If the fruits field is large or hilly, run a stake line across the center or divide the field and stake separately.───假如果园面积很大或是起伏的山坡地,可贯通果园中心立一行测标线,或将土地分开并分别立桩。
across the center(英语使用场景)
1、Spread the vegetables filling horizontally across the center of red cabbage. Roll up tightly to enclose filling. Can make about 6 pieces.
2、Draw a line horizontally across the center of the shape.
across the center(意思翻译)
across the center(相似词语短语)
1、across the board───全面地;包括一切地;以三等分的钱数赌同一匹马赢得前三名
2、across the bridge───过桥
3、across the stars───穿越星空
4、across the country───遍布全国;祖国各地
5、across the way───街对面; 对过;街对面;路对面
6、across the city───穿过城市
7、across the nation───全国
8、the center───中心
across the center(双语使用场景)
1、The river stretches across the center of the city into the distance.───这条河穿过市中心流向远方。
2、Spread the vegetables filling horizontally across the center of red cabbage. Roll up tightly to enclose filling. Can make about 6 pieces.───于每片红椰菜叶的一端铺上其馀蔬菜各一,然后包起,可包出6件。
3、Draw the flange bolt holes across the center line with a ruler, assemble───用直尺划出法兰螺栓孔跨ZhongXian,与筒体纵缝线平行组装。
4、The stress of the plane across the center of the vessel is largest.───容器爆心环面的应力是最大的;
5、An ordinary person walking across the center wouldn't pick them out from among the engineers and flight controllers.───一个穿过中心的普通人根本就不能将他们从工程师和飞行管理员中区分开来。
6、He draws a line across the center of that page.───他在那页的中间画了一条线。
7、If the fruits field is large or hilly, run a stake line across the center or divide the field and stake separately.───假如果园面积很大或是起伏的山坡地,可贯通果园中心立一行测标线,或将土地分开并分别立桩。
across the center(英语使用场景)
1、Spread the vegetables filling horizontally across the center of red cabbage. Roll up tightly to enclose filling. Can make about 6 pieces.
2、Draw a line horizontally across the center of the shape.