1、To start building the example application, configure Spring MVC's DispatcherServlet.───要开始构建示例应用程序,请配置 Spring MVC 的 DispatcherServlet。
2、entry point to this application is a standard DispatcherServlet from Spring MVC, that is registered in web.xml and mapped to *.htm resources in the web application context───应用的入口是一个标准的Spring MVC DispatcherServlet,它在web.xml中注册并在web application context中映射到*.htm。
3、DispatcherServlet loads a Spring application context from the XML file whose name is based on the name of the servlet, with -servlet appended to it.───DispatcherServlet从一个XML文件装入Spring应用程序上下文,XML文件的名称是servlet的名称后面加上- servlet。
1、coyd dispatch───科伊德调度
2、battered tin dispatch───破烂的罐头
3、dispatching a skunk from a trap───把臭鼬从陷阱里赶出来
4、dispatch health───调度运行状况
5、dispatching software───调度软件
6、dispatcher meme───调度员模因
7、facilities dispatcher───设施调度员
8、dispatching jobs───分派作业
10、dispatch buckeye extra───额外派遣七叶树
1、To start building the example application, configure Spring MVC's DispatcherServlet.───要开始构建示例应用程序,请配置 Spring MVC 的 DispatcherServlet。
2、entry point to this application is a standard DispatcherServlet from Spring MVC, that is registered in web.xml and mapped to *.htm resources in the web application context───应用的入口是一个标准的Spring MVC DispatcherServlet,它在web.xml中注册并在web application context中映射到*.htm。
3、DispatcherServlet loads a Spring application context from the XML file whose name is based on the name of the servlet, with -servlet appended to it.───DispatcherServlet从一个XML文件装入Spring应用程序上下文,XML文件的名称是servlet的名称后面加上- servlet。