1、Unconsciously, the eyes repeatedly attempt to rest by shifting their focus to an area behind the screen, and this constant switch between screen and relaxation point creates eyestrain and fatigue.───不知不觉中,眼睛会反复试图把焦点切换到屏幕后方的某个区域,以获得放松,而在屏幕和放松点之间的不停切换,会导致眼部疲劳。
2、On fast hardware, the game will still run at a constant pace of 25 times per second, but the updating of the screen will be way faster than this.───在快速的硬件环境,游戏依旧运行在固定的25 FPS 下,但屏幕更新会超过这个速度。
3、Participants referred to a constant stream of changing letters, visible on a screen, to indicate when they'd made their decision.───参与者通过指出屏幕上一串连续变化的字母,来报告他做出有意识反应的时间。
screen constant(意思翻译)
screen constant(相似词语短语)
1、dim screen───暗淡的屏幕
2、constant pain───持续的疼痛
3、hubble constant───哈勃常数
4、hardening constant───硬化常数
5、calorimeter constant───量热计常数
6、constant repetition───不断重复
8、attenuation constant───[物]衰减常量;减幅常数;衰减[减幅]常数
screen constant(双语使用场景)
1、Unconsciously, the eyes repeatedly attempt to rest by shifting their focus to an area behind the screen, and this constant switch between screen and relaxation point creates eyestrain and fatigue.───不知不觉中,眼睛会反复试图把焦点切换到屏幕后方的某个区域,以获得放松,而在屏幕和放松点之间的不停切换,会导致眼部疲劳。
2、On fast hardware, the game will still run at a constant pace of 25 times per second, but the updating of the screen will be way faster than this.───在快速的硬件环境,游戏依旧运行在固定的25 FPS 下,但屏幕更新会超过这个速度。
3、Participants referred to a constant stream of changing letters, visible on a screen, to indicate when they'd made their decision.───参与者通过指出屏幕上一串连续变化的字母,来报告他做出有意识反应的时间。