1、That way you'll know exactly what's on the menu, what you might want to order and where the rest rooms are located.───这样,你会知道到底出了什么菜单上,你可能要秩序,并在休息室的位置。
2、Swap the signs on the men's and ladies' rest rooms.───上的男女指示牌互换。
3、A visitor to the Mathematical Sciences Department arrives outside the rest-rooms and does not wish to go in the wrong door.───一到数学科学系游客到达外,其余房间和不希望走在错误的大门。
4、Until 1993 female senators had to jostle with the tourists visiting Capitol Hill, because no rest rooms were assigned to them.───直到1993年,女性参议员还不得不同参观国会山的游客争抢卫生间,因为并未为她们准备卫生间。
5、Swap the signs on the men's and ladies' rest rooms.───把洗手间门上的男女指示牌互换。
6、City officials cooperated with the 4-H members in planting trees, building cooking facilities, pick-me tables, swings and public rest rooms.───市政府官员与 4-H 成员合作种树、建造烹饪设施、自选桌子、秋千和公共卫生间。
7、Or I washed up in public rest rooms .───或者在公共卫生间里洗洗。
8、The first initiative under discussion will look at ways to increase the traffic flow at women's public rest rooms.───正在讨论的第一项倡议将探讨如何增加妇女公共休息室的流量。
9、Women have better rest rooms. They get the nice chairs andred carpet.───女人的卫生间很讲究,那里有精致的椅子和红地毯。
rest rooms(英语使用场景)
1、Each hall has it dressing rooms, rest rooms, practicing rooms, waiting space for performers, quick-change rooms, costume tidying and ironing rooms, prop rooms, and lounges .
rest rooms(意思翻译)
rest rooms(相似词语短语)
1、banquet rooms───宴会厅;宴会室
2、emergency rooms───n.<美>急诊室( emergency room的名词复数 )
3、five rooms───五个房间
4、longa rest───长时间休息
5、art rooms───美术教室
7、rest life───剩余寿命
8、changing rooms───n.更衣室( changing room的名词复数 )
rest rooms(双语使用场景)
1、That way you'll know exactly what's on the menu, what you might want to order and where the rest rooms are located.───这样,你会知道到底出了什么菜单上,你可能要秩序,并在休息室的位置。
2、Swap the signs on the men's and ladies' rest rooms.───上的男女指示牌互换。
3、A visitor to the Mathematical Sciences Department arrives outside the rest-rooms and does not wish to go in the wrong door.───一到数学科学系游客到达外,其余房间和不希望走在错误的大门。
4、Until 1993 female senators had to jostle with the tourists visiting Capitol Hill, because no rest rooms were assigned to them.───直到1993年,女性参议员还不得不同参观国会山的游客争抢卫生间,因为并未为她们准备卫生间。
5、Swap the signs on the men's and ladies' rest rooms.───把洗手间门上的男女指示牌互换。
6、City officials cooperated with the 4-H members in planting trees, building cooking facilities, pick-me tables, swings and public rest rooms.───市政府官员与 4-H 成员合作种树、建造烹饪设施、自选桌子、秋千和公共卫生间。
7、Or I washed up in public rest rooms .───或者在公共卫生间里洗洗。
8、The first initiative under discussion will look at ways to increase the traffic flow at women's public rest rooms.───正在讨论的第一项倡议将探讨如何增加妇女公共休息室的流量。
9、Women have better rest rooms. They get the nice chairs andred carpet.───女人的卫生间很讲究,那里有精致的椅子和红地毯。
rest rooms(英语使用场景)
1、Each hall has it dressing rooms, rest rooms, practicing rooms, waiting space for performers, quick-change rooms, costume tidying and ironing rooms, prop rooms, and lounges .