1、Our journey has never been one of shortcuts or settling for less.───我们走过的旅程从来不是走捷径或是很容易即满足。
2、Settling for anything less will raise the awkward question of why directors voted down a chance to return more money to U. S. taxpayers.───如果到头来达不到这个目标,就会有一个令人尴尬的问题提出来:董事会凭什么否决了一个向美国纳税人返还更多资金的机会?
3、or the call-centre worker who sees off the threat of his job going abroad by settling for only a tiny pay rise.───还有满足于工资只有一点点上涨而避免工作转移至国外的呼叫中心的员工。
4、Stop settling for less and set your highest goals today.───不要再设立小小的目标,而在今天把眼光放的更远大一些吧。
5、Settling for less than President Obama's requested amounts for the agencies would be acquiescing in the derailment of Dodd-Frank.───这两个机构的预算达不到奥巴马总统所要求的数目就等于默许对多的弗兰克法案的否定。
6、Another type of settling for less than you deserve is being involved in unhealthy relationships.───另一种形式是,卷入不健康男女关系之中。
7、Brendan pointed out the price of settling for mediocrity, even in a big organization.───布兰登指出了甘于平庸的代价,即便大公司也不能避免。
8、But there may be so much apparent effort in this performance that you'll be pressured into settling for that final number.───不过在他这种表现中显然可以看到他的确已经使出浑身解数,从而迫使你接受那个最终的数字。
9、We end up settling for a fixer-upper, which at times feels like a nightmare rather than a dream come true.───我们最后只能住进一栋破房,这有时感觉像一场噩梦,而非什么成真的美梦。
settling for(英语使用场景)
1、A N Wilson is settling for the Royal Family.
2、We end up settling for a fixer-upper, which at times feels like a nightmare rather than a dream come true.
3、We end up settling for a 13)fixer-upper, which at times feels like a nightmare rather than a dream come true.
4、But Kane wasn't settling for a halfhearted commitment.
5、Being simple is not settling for less, it is being satisfied with having just enough. Having enough is not longing for more, it is being content with having you by my side.
6、She enjoyed so many bourgeois pleasures, and yet she loathed the thought of settling for them.
7、She remembered settling for one glass of milk when she was used to drinking three.
8、However, I am not settling for a goalless draw.
9、There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.
settling for(意思翻译)
settling for(相似词语短语)
1、settling down───定居;安定下来;专心于
2、settling into───习惯于...
3、settling up───付清;了结;结账
4、settling in───v.迁入
5、settling gas───沉降气体
6、settling definition───结算定义
8、hindered settling───干扰沉降,阻滞沉落;沉降受阻;受阻沉降
9、settling time───沉淀时间,校正时间;稳定时间;建立[置位,稳定]时间
settling for(双语使用场景)
1、Our journey has never been one of shortcuts or settling for less.───我们走过的旅程从来不是走捷径或是很容易即满足。
2、Settling for anything less will raise the awkward question of why directors voted down a chance to return more money to U. S. taxpayers.───如果到头来达不到这个目标,就会有一个令人尴尬的问题提出来:董事会凭什么否决了一个向美国纳税人返还更多资金的机会?
3、or the call-centre worker who sees off the threat of his job going abroad by settling for only a tiny pay rise.───还有满足于工资只有一点点上涨而避免工作转移至国外的呼叫中心的员工。
4、Stop settling for less and set your highest goals today.───不要再设立小小的目标,而在今天把眼光放的更远大一些吧。
5、Settling for less than President Obama's requested amounts for the agencies would be acquiescing in the derailment of Dodd-Frank.───这两个机构的预算达不到奥巴马总统所要求的数目就等于默许对多的弗兰克法案的否定。
6、Another type of settling for less than you deserve is being involved in unhealthy relationships.───另一种形式是,卷入不健康男女关系之中。
7、Brendan pointed out the price of settling for mediocrity, even in a big organization.───布兰登指出了甘于平庸的代价,即便大公司也不能避免。
8、But there may be so much apparent effort in this performance that you'll be pressured into settling for that final number.───不过在他这种表现中显然可以看到他的确已经使出浑身解数,从而迫使你接受那个最终的数字。
9、We end up settling for a fixer-upper, which at times feels like a nightmare rather than a dream come true.───我们最后只能住进一栋破房,这有时感觉像一场噩梦,而非什么成真的美梦。
settling for(英语使用场景)
1、A N Wilson is settling for the Royal Family.
2、We end up settling for a fixer-upper, which at times feels like a nightmare rather than a dream come true.
3、We end up settling for a 13)fixer-upper, which at times feels like a nightmare rather than a dream come true.
4、But Kane wasn't settling for a halfhearted commitment.
5、Being simple is not settling for less, it is being satisfied with having just enough. Having enough is not longing for more, it is being content with having you by my side.
6、She enjoyed so many bourgeois pleasures, and yet she loathed the thought of settling for them.
7、She remembered settling for one glass of milk when she was used to drinking three.
8、However, I am not settling for a goalless draw.
9、There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.