1、will tend to appreciate the things you have in life and in turn become happier as a person.───懂得感恩的人总是会欣赏和感激生活中遇见的人和事,同时自己也会成为那个更加快乐幸福的人!
2、warmer ocean would heat the air above it, which would slow the refreezing of ice in winter, which would in turn become even more susceptible to melting in summer.───温暖的海洋将加热海洋上空的空气,这将减缓冬季冰重新冻结,这反过来使海冰更加容易在夏天融化。
3、Much care must be exercised that rangeland does not in its turn become desert.───要特别注意牧场不会反过来变成沙漠。
4、When you give individuals a detailed and periodic appraisal they get recognised or corrected, and in turn become more productive in the project.───当你能够给团队成员一个详细的、定期的评价,并且得到他(她)们认可或他(她)们已经进行改进,他(她)们会在项目中变得更加有效率。
5、Thus they have, in their turn, become the most important animals on the planet.───因此,他们接着成了这个地球上的最重要的动物。
6、In turn, become the newspaper industry to stay away from paper and pen-themed once again.───这又成为国内报业行业以远离纸与笔为主题的又一次技术革新。
7、Withdrawals trigger solvency problems, which in turn become signals for further withdrawals, creating liquidity problems.───撤资引发偿付能力问题,进而成为进一步撤资的信号,由此带来流动性问题。
8、Rattan left perseverance, suffering, struggle. 1300 the wind snow and rain, to turn it into a tree, turn, become fine.───藤留下坚毅、痛苦、挣扎的过程。1300年风霜雪雨,把它变成根,变成树,变成精。
turn become(英语使用场景)
1、Much care must be exercised that rangeland does not in its turn become desert.
2、The cells of the quadrant in turn become partitioned to from the eight - celled embryo.
turn become(意思翻译)
turn become(相似词语短语)
1、become strong───变得坚强
2、become expert───成为专家
3、has become───已变得;已经成为(has为have的第三人称单数形式)
4、have become───已经成为;已经变成
6、become angry───变色;老羞成怒
7、be become───成为
8、become reality───成为事实;变成现实
9、turn turn turn───转身,转身
turn become(双语使用场景)
1、will tend to appreciate the things you have in life and in turn become happier as a person.───懂得感恩的人总是会欣赏和感激生活中遇见的人和事,同时自己也会成为那个更加快乐幸福的人!
2、warmer ocean would heat the air above it, which would slow the refreezing of ice in winter, which would in turn become even more susceptible to melting in summer.───温暖的海洋将加热海洋上空的空气,这将减缓冬季冰重新冻结,这反过来使海冰更加容易在夏天融化。
3、Much care must be exercised that rangeland does not in its turn become desert.───要特别注意牧场不会反过来变成沙漠。
4、When you give individuals a detailed and periodic appraisal they get recognised or corrected, and in turn become more productive in the project.───当你能够给团队成员一个详细的、定期的评价,并且得到他(她)们认可或他(她)们已经进行改进,他(她)们会在项目中变得更加有效率。
5、Thus they have, in their turn, become the most important animals on the planet.───因此,他们接着成了这个地球上的最重要的动物。
6、In turn, become the newspaper industry to stay away from paper and pen-themed once again.───这又成为国内报业行业以远离纸与笔为主题的又一次技术革新。
7、Withdrawals trigger solvency problems, which in turn become signals for further withdrawals, creating liquidity problems.───撤资引发偿付能力问题,进而成为进一步撤资的信号,由此带来流动性问题。
8、Rattan left perseverance, suffering, struggle. 1300 the wind snow and rain, to turn it into a tree, turn, become fine.───藤留下坚毅、痛苦、挣扎的过程。1300年风霜雪雨,把它变成根,变成树,变成精。
turn become(英语使用场景)
1、Much care must be exercised that rangeland does not in its turn become desert.
2、The cells of the quadrant in turn become partitioned to from the eight - celled embryo.