1、He came into the room and shut the door.───他进了房间,把门关上。
2、I gave up and shut the door. She drove away, still without looking at me.───我放弃讨好将车门关上。她瞧也没瞧我一眼便将车开走了。
3、He was about to shut the door when an idea came to him.───他正准备关门时,突然想起了一个主意。
4、He then shut the door, and, coming up to her, claimed the good wishes and affection of a sister.───他于是关上了门,走到她跟前,让她亲切地祝贺姐夫。
5、After a while he took it out again and shut the door of the refrigerator with a lot of noise.───过来一会,他将它拿出来,并使劲关上冰箱门,发出很大响声。
6、I shut the door noiselessly behind me.───我把身后的门轻轻带上。
7、In a minute the little Red Hen came quickly in, and shut the door and locked it.───没一会儿小红母鸡就进屋来了,她关上门并把门锁好。
8、You did not shut the door though I told you to shut it.───虽然我对你说过要关门,你还是没有关。
9、Liyuan Zhi study was to the door of the woman, usually brandish a knife to the gun used to, although frightened, or Yi Yan shut the door.───李沅芷究是将门之女,平时抡刀使枪惯了的,虽然惊慌,还是依言关上了门。
shut the door(英语使用场景)
1、Rosa shut the door quietly.
2、The accident shut the door on her ballet career.
3、He came into the room and shut the door.
4、Will you kindly shut the door?
5、Please will you shut the door?
6、Philip went into his room and shut the door behind him.
7、She came into the room and shut the door.
8、She went into her room and shut the door behind her.
shut the door(意思翻译)
shut the door(相似词语短语)
1、shut───vi.关上;停止营业;vt.& vi.关闭; 合上; 打烊; 闭上;adj.关闭; 停业; 合拢; 关门;n.关闭;vt.关闭;停业;幽禁;n.(Shut)人名;(俄)舒特;(中)室(广东话·威妥玛);adj.关闭的;围绕的
2、mattered shut───关门大吉
3、shut the box───关上盒子
4、the door is───门是开着的
5、opening the door───开门
6、the door───门 (The Door);[电影]门;门 (The Door)
7、deside the door───把门设计好
8、Open the door───开门
9、on the door───看门
shut the door(双语使用场景)
1、He came into the room and shut the door.───他进了房间,把门关上。
2、I gave up and shut the door. She drove away, still without looking at me.───我放弃讨好将车门关上。她瞧也没瞧我一眼便将车开走了。
3、He was about to shut the door when an idea came to him.───他正准备关门时,突然想起了一个主意。
4、He then shut the door, and, coming up to her, claimed the good wishes and affection of a sister.───他于是关上了门,走到她跟前,让她亲切地祝贺姐夫。
5、After a while he took it out again and shut the door of the refrigerator with a lot of noise.───过来一会,他将它拿出来,并使劲关上冰箱门,发出很大响声。
6、I shut the door noiselessly behind me.───我把身后的门轻轻带上。
7、In a minute the little Red Hen came quickly in, and shut the door and locked it.───没一会儿小红母鸡就进屋来了,她关上门并把门锁好。
8、You did not shut the door though I told you to shut it.───虽然我对你说过要关门,你还是没有关。
9、Liyuan Zhi study was to the door of the woman, usually brandish a knife to the gun used to, although frightened, or Yi Yan shut the door.───李沅芷究是将门之女,平时抡刀使枪惯了的,虽然惊慌,还是依言关上了门。
shut the door(英语使用场景)
1、Rosa shut the door quietly.
2、The accident shut the door on her ballet career.
3、He came into the room and shut the door.
4、Will you kindly shut the door?
5、Please will you shut the door?
6、Philip went into his room and shut the door behind him.
7、She came into the room and shut the door.
8、She went into her room and shut the door behind her.
9、Please shut the door after you.