1、In the beginning, selling to the US market was the simplest thing in the world. We sold to aspirational women.───刚开始,在美国本土市场销售化妆品不费吹灰之力,我们把产品卖给有抱负的女性。
2、's the simplest thing, you don't even have to clean it everyday.───最奇妙的是你居然不用每天清洗它。
3、Simplicity: What is the simplest thing that could possibly work?───简单:什么是最简单可行的事?
4、Do the simplest thing that can possibly work?───做可能有效果的最简单的事。
5、She had felt that the changing of the world, the ending of all that echoed in her father's moaning, was the simplest thing on earth.───她却曾经觉得要改革世界,要终止她父亲诉苦的话里所显示的那一切,是易如反掌的事。
6、You may be a clever man and good teacher, but I sometimes think you don't see simplest thing that is taking place under your very nose.───你也许是个聪明人,一个优秀的老师,不过我有时认为即使就在你眼皮底下发生的最简单的事情你也不见的能看见。
7、The news was the simplest thing imaginable, and yet, as we took it in, Marguerite and I exchanged looks.───这个消息本来是再平常不过的事情,但是,玛格丽特和我听了却面面相觑。
8、The company first looks to get "the simplest thing that could possibly work out into the hands of our customers. "───公司最初寻求得到“可以到客户手中的最简单的东西”。
9、If something is simple (say, having everybody code alone) but it isn't effective, than it's not the simplest thing that could possibly work.───如果有些事情虽简单(比如,让每个人独自编码)但没有效果,那么它并不是行之有效的最简单的事情。
simplest thing(英语使用场景)
1、The simplest thing is a headshot and I suspect that's what the majority of people use when they are asked to upload a profile picture.
2、The simplest thing I try to plan gets waylaid I can't even plan a weekend away.
simplest thing(意思翻译)
simplest thing(相似词语短语)
1、vugar thing───武加的事
3、thing───n.事件,形势; 东西,事物; 家伙; 事业;n.事情;东西;事物;情况
4、simplest form───最简化式;最简单的形式
5、simplest term───最简术语
6、new thing───新事物;随意即席演奏的爵士乐
7、interesting thing───有趣的事
8、other thing───其他东西;另一件事
9、falsest thing───最虚假的东西
simplest thing(双语使用场景)
1、In the beginning, selling to the US market was the simplest thing in the world. We sold to aspirational women.───刚开始,在美国本土市场销售化妆品不费吹灰之力,我们把产品卖给有抱负的女性。
2、's the simplest thing, you don't even have to clean it everyday.───最奇妙的是你居然不用每天清洗它。
3、Simplicity: What is the simplest thing that could possibly work?───简单:什么是最简单可行的事?
4、Do the simplest thing that can possibly work?───做可能有效果的最简单的事。
5、She had felt that the changing of the world, the ending of all that echoed in her father's moaning, was the simplest thing on earth.───她却曾经觉得要改革世界,要终止她父亲诉苦的话里所显示的那一切,是易如反掌的事。
6、You may be a clever man and good teacher, but I sometimes think you don't see simplest thing that is taking place under your very nose.───你也许是个聪明人,一个优秀的老师,不过我有时认为即使就在你眼皮底下发生的最简单的事情你也不见的能看见。
7、The news was the simplest thing imaginable, and yet, as we took it in, Marguerite and I exchanged looks.───这个消息本来是再平常不过的事情,但是,玛格丽特和我听了却面面相觑。
8、The company first looks to get "the simplest thing that could possibly work out into the hands of our customers. "───公司最初寻求得到“可以到客户手中的最简单的东西”。
9、If something is simple (say, having everybody code alone) but it isn't effective, than it's not the simplest thing that could possibly work.───如果有些事情虽简单(比如,让每个人独自编码)但没有效果,那么它并不是行之有效的最简单的事情。
simplest thing(英语使用场景)
1、The simplest thing is a headshot and I suspect that's what the majority of people use when they are asked to upload a profile picture.
2、The simplest thing I try to plan gets waylaid I can't even plan a weekend away.