9、p lo t───n. (Plot)(捷、法)普洛特;普洛(人名);vt.密谋;绘图;划分;标绘;vi.密谋;策划;绘制;n.情节;图表;阴谋;(专用的)小块土地
p t t(双语使用场景)
1、power and describes the P. T. O test bench and the procedures for determining the rated P. T. O power of Shanghai-50 Tractor.───介绍了拖拉机动力输出试验台及上海-50拖拉机动力输出轴标定功率的制订过程。
2、P-T-t path of isothermal decompression indicates rapid exhumation history, which was likely related with Mesozoic extension.───等温降压的P-T-t轨迹指示它们很可能是在中生代伸展构造背景下快速抬升到浅部。
3、T-N, T-P and Zn were the priority pollutants to be monitored and controlled in Dongta.───总氨、总磷、锌是重点监测和控制的优先污染物。
p t t(意思翻译)
abbr.邮电"ZongJu" (Telegraphsand Telephones)
p t t(相似词语短语)
1、p t to───p t至
2、p l t───abbr.血小板 (Platelets)
3、P t───n.铂金(platinum);abbr.physical training 体育锻炼;abbr.太平洋时间(PacificTime);体育锻炼(physicaltraining);过去式(pasttense)
4、t p───abbr.东帝汶的网络域名代号;训练弹 (Training Projectile);射击练习 (Target Projectile)
5、t p pos───t p位置
6、t t───abbr.电汇 (Telegraphic Transfer);总时间 (Total Time);技术术语 (Technical Term);经结核菌素试验的 (Tuberculin Tested)
7、p t ent───事件
8、P t ence───P t n公司
9、p lo t───n. (Plot)(捷、法)普洛特;普洛(人名);vt.密谋;绘图;划分;标绘;vi.密谋;策划;绘制;n.情节;图表;阴谋;(专用的)小块土地
p t t(双语使用场景)
1、power and describes the P. T. O test bench and the procedures for determining the rated P. T. O power of Shanghai-50 Tractor.───介绍了拖拉机动力输出试验台及上海-50拖拉机动力输出轴标定功率的制订过程。
2、P-T-t path of isothermal decompression indicates rapid exhumation history, which was likely related with Mesozoic extension.───等温降压的P-T-t轨迹指示它们很可能是在中生代伸展构造背景下快速抬升到浅部。
3、T-N, T-P and Zn were the priority pollutants to be monitored and controlled in Dongta.───总氨、总磷、锌是重点监测和控制的优先污染物。